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Hey Monolapse! Congrats on winning IRXJam24! If you can DM us on Discord or Twitter, we'll go ahead and get your prizes straightened out. :)

Twitter: @IndieRevXPO

Hello all!

IRX24 is just a day away! You can find the completed schedule on our website. Head there and see where your game and/or presentation will be exhibited. Some reminders:

-If you have a game being exhibited, you don't have to be there, BUT if you can, it is highly encouraged in case you need to field any questions from the audience.

-If you are doing a presentation, please be sure to be in our Discord at least 15 minutes before your time slot. This will allow us to make sure everything gets set up smoothly. Please use this invite link to join our Discord server ASAP as this is where we will be hosting your presentation from and will be our main way to communicate with you. 

-IRX will begin this Friday at 10am EST and will end with our awards ceremony on Sunday.

-Be sure to come by for our awards ceremony on Sunday to see all the winners including the IRXJam24 winner!

-There will be multiple giveaways. Some provided by some generous devs having their game exhibited this weekend, and the rest provided by IRX. There will be several individual game giveaways, a few mini game bundle giveaways, and one giant 50 game giveaway! Anyone in chat is eligible to win including those who are being exhibited so make sure you're around from time to time!

Our main goal with IRX is to celebrate and spotlight awesome indie games and their talented devs. With that in mind, please help IRX reach as large of an audience as possible by letting your friends, followers, and game dev associates know what's going on. Consider sharing our links on social media with #IRX24. The more people that stop by, the more people there are to check out all of your games, listen to your talks, and more networking opportunities for everyone involved. We are a small group of people running this event so all the help you are willing to provide is greatly appreciated.

We can't wait to see you all there!

Thanks to everyone who participated in this year's IRX Jam! As a reminder, all submissions will be exhibited during Indie Revolution Expo coming up, starting May 17th and running through May 19th. The winner will be announced on May 19th during our awards ceremony and we will contact them here on to send out the prizes.

Thanks again! We're looking forward to checking them all out.

Here's the link to the assets.

You can find the same link on the main jam page as well now.

Absolutely. The only thing we don't allow are assets that you don't have permission to use.

Apologies for not seeing this sooner and thank you to CGpepper for help with the response.

As they said, the expo is digital and is hosted on Twitch. Follow the link they gave for all the info!

Sure thing! I'll make that available shortly. :)

The cool thing is, it's all digital! You can attend IRX from home. :) Community » General » Game Jams · Created a new topic IRX Jam 24

IRX Jam is a game jam that coincides with Indie Revolution Expo. Those who submit games will have them exhibited during the expo and the winner will receive $100 and a sweet IRX shirt as a prize! The last jam we hosted had 21 submissions and we'd love to get more this year. I hope to see you join, but if not, hopefully you'll be at IRX to support your fellow devs. :)

For those of you that don't know, Indie Revolution Expo is coming up in May! It's totally free and online so it's a good way to promote your game without killing your wallet. You should register your games and you can even give your own talk if you want. There's also a game jam hosted here on itch with a cash prize!

Thanks for giving it a try! That bug you're talking about where you fall out of the world and die after rotating the room was a game breaking bug that popped up right before we had to submit so we didn't have time to fix it. However, Vance graciously allowed us to post an update that fixed it (along with the debug showing issue) so that he and everyone could actually finish the game. So if you're still interested in playing through, download the newest version and give it another go. :)

Extra luck then! I hope you become $8k richer!

The story was a bit bipolar between serious and silly. Wish you would have picked a direction. The door puzzle was interesting, but was the only puzzle. Would have been nice to have a few more. The audio levels were all over the place. Overall, I enjoyed it though.

Best of luck.

A decent story, although it was very similar to the revenant. Design was alright, but it seemed more action platformer than adventure game. Good music, but could have used SFX.

Best of luck.

It was an intriguing and eerie story. You get attached to the player character through the dialogue. The button puzzle wasn't well designed as I got through it through brute force. Visuals were simple, but it worked for a jam game. I liked the audio, but the quality was iffy as it seemed to peak and get garbled sometimes.

Best of luck.

Story and characters are well fleshed out, but this is a common attribute of RPG's. This jam was for adventure games. Everything else was ok with a lot of the assets being out the RPG maker engine.

Best of luck.

The story was pretty confusing and hardly any information was given for the characters. I loved the hand-drawn visuals. There was no audio to comment on. Some extra notes: The UI was hard to understand. Consider working on how to make that better. Also, if you decide to develop further, make sure you get proper English translations.

Best of luck.

Even though I don't know much about this historical event, the story provided was interesting and detailed as were the characters. Classic point n' click mechanics, but some more explanation as to what you were supposed to do would have been nice. The art was simple, but it was hard on the eyes to focus on anything since there was a lack of color and lines. Music should be turned down, but it was a decent choice for this game.

Best of luck.

I didn't get much story other than escape from the flames and had no info for the character. Figuring out where to go/what to do should have been more apparent in my opinion. Part of the issue figuring out where to go at first had to do with the poor lighting. That said, I like that you decided to use a more complex engine like UE4. There wasn't much to speak about in the way of audio.

Best of luck.

A well thought out story and characters. The puzzle designs were simple and logical. I enjoy minimalist pixel art, however, the lack of details made it kind of hard to see certain items and had me stuck for a little bit because of it. Great use of music and SFX.

Best of luck!

Good story, though there were leaps in the plot (she suddenly marries the pirate only to immediately leave him for another). I would assume there some time jumps in there, but not well indicated. For similar reasons, character development felt rushed. The puzzles were simple and logical although they seemed a bit contrived. Visually it was simple with the cut-out silhouettes which can work. There was some perspective issues like character size in comparison to the house to the boats. Decent music, but could have used SFX. Some random feedback: I was able to click out of the game even in full-window mode and there were some typos in the text.

Best of luck!

I enjoyed how to story was developed in such a short time. Same goes for the characters. I played the game without knowing this was Elvis at first and it still got me hooked to him and made me wonder what's going on in his life. Standard point n' click design that was mostly well done. There were a few small logic leaps. The biggest being the guitar/safe as nothing really indicated that. I really enjoyed how detailed the pixel art was with good animation considering that this was a jam. Great music choice and decent use of SFX.

Best of luck!

There was no explanation for the story or characters involved. i'm down for the whole lost memory thing, but there was no payoff. There wasn't any design to comment on as the only interaction came in text form. The blocky 3D art is alright, especially if given the chance to detail it more. There was some ambiance for game audio, but not much else.

Best of luck.

There wasn't much in this game. There was a little bit of story, but only given through text. Nothing was given regarding characters and outside of clicking a few objects and moving forward, there was no puzzle. The clip art copy/paste style can work in a simplistic way, but it should still be pleasing to my eye. a lot of black and white on top of more black and white with hardly any animation. Even just keyframing some animation (similar to rock of ages) would be better. There was music, but that's all there is to say about the audio.

Best of luck.

Story and characters were not elaborated on outside of what is already known in history books. Couldn't do much with this game. VR really should be a secondary thought as most people do not have VR capabilities. There was no audio either. I did like the visuals, just wish I could have seen more.

Good luck!

Didn't really get much of the story or how the sci-fi aspect came into play. Characters weren't elaborated on at all. The puzzle came off a little illogical so I basically just blunt forced my way through. I like the art style. Reminded me of Zombie Night Terror. Good music choice.

Best of luck!

Hey guys! I wanted to congratulate you on winning the Jam! If you could let me know your email address, I can discuss the prizes with you. Keep up the great work! :)

Hey there! Looks like there's an issue with the file you uploaded. I'm unable to download the zip file due to an error saying it's invalid. Let me know, via email, if you're able to fix this!

Hey! Just an FYI, your Youtube video is unavailable. Please let me know as soon as this is fixed!

Hey! Thanks for the submission! One of the requirements of the jam is to include a gameplay video that's a few minutes long. Please include this before the jam ends. Thanks!

Hey guys! Thanks for the submission! One of the requirements for the jam is to have a gameplay video that's a few minutes long. Would you mind adding that before the jam ends? Thanks!

Hey! Aron won the IRX16 Jam during indie Revolution Expo! We can't find a way to email you. Mind getting in touch so we can send you your prize? Our email is

Hey there! How long ago did you start making this game?

Great job! We'll add this to the jam page on ur website. Can't wait to show it during IRX!

Great job! Can't wait to show it off during #IRX16!