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A member registered Jun 27, 2021 · View creator page →

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This is a very unique game idea! I love it!

At first I was a little confused, then I discovered the question mark button. Nice game!

For joining 5 days before the deadline, this is pretty good!

Oh my god this game was amazing! I literally laughed out loud in some of the parts, especially the part about rating the game. The relation to the theme was brilliant!

Small piece of advice: maybe make the updates start rolling in faster? I had to wait until I think 20something.

I was lagging quite a bit, but this was fun!

So polished!! I love the expansion pack, it'd be cool if you added more

Yay :D Glad you enjoyed!

I did voice them all :D

Ooo okay that's good advice, thanks! I definitely also should've put confetti at the end.

Got softlocked a couple times, but for a first game, this is very cool :D

Controls were a little tight, but I love the use of the theme!

Holy smokes, how is everything so polished?!?!?

Ah okokok

Love the game! I wish after the 6 payments, it was still possible to play, maybe a sandbox or endless mode?

Very cozy game, I like it!

I love the art and animations :D
Sadly, I couldn't beat the third boss, so I can't see more of the game 

Oh yeah sorry about the friction :\
About the standing still, is it every time you want to jump or in a specific case? I've never encountered this, so I'm curious.

Glad you had fun!

The art and music was amazing! I also loved the buttons with a bit of humor in them, like the credits button. I dunno why more people haven't rated this yet.

I love the music :D

Ah ok, thanks! :D

Can I make a new project, put my game there, then submit the project to the jam later? I want my friend to test it, but I don't want jam participants to see it yet.

Thanks! By the way, I put a link in the description to another project where the bug should be fixed, if you wanna play more.

I love what you did with the title! Puns are my jam!

(I had to, sorry)

Oh yeah, the restart button bug is something I'm trying to fix :(

Thanks though! :D (by the way I loved your game, it was my favorite so far)

Pretty nice! I like the audio and art.

Small problem that the others noticed too though: camera glitches when transitioning and using certain inputs that cause screen shake.

I like it! It's just really hard, or I'm just bad, or both. Probably both

For a lot of others games I played, I always found something cool, then gave some feedback. BUT I CAN'T FIND ANYTHING WRONG WITH THIS GAME! IT'S TOO GOOD!!!!!

The graphics are so cool, and there's actually animation (unlike my game)

There wasn't any bug that I encountered

There's sounds and music that fits

And it's super satisfying watching your lump army attack

You put my game to shame with how good yours is

As soon as I saw the thumbnail of the game, I thought to myself "that's amazing, why didn't I do that?!"

I love how it's a marshmallow too, trying not to get torched (I'd rather have marshmallows straight out of the bag instead of toasted marshmallows)

Small problem, I find the hotboxes/colliders are the player/fire are too big. Sometimes when I jump over, I die even though I didn't touch it.

I like it! One small thing though, I like using WASD over arrow keys

I love the music and art! I could never get the two items to work though, dunno why...

I love the concept! One small thing is that I would recommend making it easier to tell that you can't touch things like trees. But I found that out pretty quickly, so it's still good how it is right now!

I like it! One thing though, it gets hard very quick

The audio alone makes me want to give 5 stars for all categories! Amazing effort, I could never have the courage to make my own sound

The quality of the audio makes my soundless game look terrible! xD Good job!

I love this mechanic! The gravity turns it into a whole new experience, and I love it. I gave up 4 minutes into the Trial of Looney, only getting halfway, but if I was better at the game, I'm sure I would be addicted to it.

Yeah same. I'm a little confused how the combat works too. Is the strat to just use all the cards you have, then end turn?

Thanks! :D

Oh ok. I thought it might get flagged because it's the same game or something. Anyway, thanks!

I submitted my game already, then realized that I wanted to change some stuff. Sadly, I didn't finish my changed version on time, so the new version can't count for the game jam. But I still want to put it on itch so I can show it to my friends. Any idea how?