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A member registered Jun 11, 2018 · View creator page →

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It's in a way supposed to be so that people don´t know the differences. Cant tell much more ;) So i hope people choose at random one of them.
THanks for the reply :)

Doing a research for my thesis about acceleration differences.
Small test game takes about 15 sec to play.  
Executable pc game about 24mb.  
It follows with a survey that takes 4 minutes to complete.  

There is 2 versions, you may only play one of them 😉
Please I need data, I can recommend a project of yours on my Skull Votary twitter account and comment on your posts, don't have much else to offer 😀 😀

I didnt ask :D She made an awesome dinosaur bone creation.

My daughter played the game and really enjoyed herself :D

I did check the game site out.
Someone had a good point in this thread.
You should have a demo version, cause for me as a student 8 euro is a lot of money and if i use that amount i would like to know what i'm getting.

it's very nerve wracking to read this post when i have my first Alpha release after a week.
I will be happy if people comment the game so no millionaire dreams here :D

I feel sorry for the 4 year thing, i will at least test the game out :D

Not shure if this is the right place.

I'm starting to do a basis for my #thesis by doing some preliminary #surveys.
I would appreciate if you could be a part of this.
Requirements are that you #develop #games and that you are the #ageof18.

Fritz Blitz

We would love to get some opinions about Fritz Blitz

Is 18 levels for example enough in a puzzle platform game to release a Alpha to the public?