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A member registered Mar 31, 2023 · View creator page →

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It's thanks to you that I have made £75 in the past 5 months. Thank you Leafo!

the tutorial won't load for me :(

This is my second ever game jam, I would appreciate some guidance on how this game jam works. Thanks in advance!

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Okay thanks @PsychoSoldier!!

This is my first game jam, so I don't know how to see who wins. Please help me!!

This is the same song isn't it?

Now that I've put it in the game, I've realised that it needs to be a little bit 'darker'. So if you could do that for me, that'd be great! Thanks in advance.

This is so good! I'm adding it in right away!!

Thanks! I can't wait to see how this one turns out!!

This game is pretty cool!!

(1 edit)

I appreciate you too Zap, oh and by the way, are you able to make me a piece of music for 'The One Forever Named Micheal'?

The reason I ask is because currently the menu screen is kind of boring.

So, in short, I am asking for a spooky, but also light-hearted beat for a horror game.

Thanks in advance!!

Yeah, the idea is that the player is frozen in time while viewing the level. Thanks for the suggestion though :)

Oh okay, thanks Zap! Oh and by the way, your music is a hit :D

thanks <3


Thank you!!!


what do you mean by perspective?

I think so...

how do I move???

Once the beating heart appears, nothing happens, is this a bug?

this is so cool!!

I'm honestly leaving my game alone from here so that there are no new bugs with new mechanics or anything. 

I would do it but the jam is almost over so I don't think I have time. Thanks for the idea though!! :D

I have updated the game to have a gravity flip ability (you can't gravity flip until level 16), and it's pretty cool. Thank you for the suggestion.

yeah XD

you're welcome :)

(1 edit)

Okay, I am going to add a pad that changes the player's gravity. Thanks for the help!!

I love the fact that even though I made it to the edge of the canyon, I'm just trapped

This game is so cool!!!

This is pretty cool :)

If so, it would really help.

True XD

okay, I need to do a few bug fixes, so once those are done, you will be in the credits :)

no, thank you for making the music for me

thank you, the music is great and really fits the game well <3

okay, thanks, I'll make it a bit quieter
