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FastTakeDown Studios

A member registered Aug 03, 2023 · View creator page →

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Im glad you enjoyed it! We will take your suggestion into consideration!

I'm glad you enjoyed it! We apprecitate it!

Thank you very much!!

Hey! yall did a great job with this project! Especially for the game jam! It was fun to play through. One thing I think would be nice to implement is if the characters get attacked, they automatically attack back.  I really enjoyed this and yall did do a great job! Congrats!

You absolutely should! It’s a great portfolio piece and was honestly fun to play! It not easy doing game dev, but your doing a great job!

I understand! It looks like it has a lot of potential!

It looks really well made and like there is a lot of energy in it. This may just be my experience but I was very confused about what to do. Maybe add a tutorial section or at the beginning of the game?

Great Game! Very solid for this game jam and for a first-time game! Keep it up@

Great Game!  There is a strong Cozy feel to the game and it was fun to experience it.

Hey! I love the art style and the direction this is taking. I, however, had a hard time figuring out how to play, I may have misunderstood something or was doing something wrong.

Thank you very much! We all loved creating it!

Thank you so much! A lot of time and effort went into it! 

Great Fun Game! Love the Voice SFX!

(1 edit)

Hey! I am a beginner-intermediate programmer, I have made a couple of games, so not a total beginner.  I have only worked on Unity 3D.  

I am good at management/ Game ideas if that is needed as well, but also completely happy just following an already set vision.

I would love to be a part of a team for this game jam!

Please let me know if you have any questions.

Hey Eloi! Thank you for playing our game and for your feedback! This is actually our first project we decided to work on as a team, so I really appreciate your helpful feedback! Are you taking more about the beginning section or the end section?

Thank you again!

Great! I am glad you found them challenging, but not too difficult. I really like the music a lot! Thank you for playing!

Well, a new update should be coming out and it is much cleaner!

Thank you very much! We put a lot of time and effort into it!

Thank you very much!

Did the objectives say “find a key to a cave”? That shouldn’t be the case. And that’s definitely a bug we would want to fix. There is no cave 😂 

Thank you for your feedback! I like the lights suggestion, definitely something to think about!I always think it’s hilarious to look back and see them all walking in unison 😂. And the walking simulator is definitely a good thought, we do plan on shortening the distance. Thank you very much for your comments!

Those are all great points! Thank you for your feedback! I know what you are talking about with the mansion key. I realize that it is pretty difficult. I think a respawn system would help a lot! Something I would like to implement. And yes, we have heard that the courtyard is too large. We plan on fixing that in future updates as well! Again Thank you very much for your feedback!! 

Here is my game, let me know what you think!

This was a really well designed game! I like the atmosphere and the level design a lot! I really like the journey it takes you through! I had a hard time a couple of times, so the checkpoint system was appreciated! Some story elements would be nice, Like some more cutscenes/ notes

Wow! haha, that sounds like quite the experience! I don't think I have been chased while dealing with the girl. 

Would you mind explaining the cave thing a little more? Do you mean in the basement? And, I am aware that the ShadeWalker's voice was a little difficult to understand. In future updates, I would like to change that.

Thank you very much for your comment! It took a long time to create!

Id love to check yours out! Here is mine:

Id love to check yours out! Here is mine:

Awesome! Id love to finish the game!

Id love to check yours out! Here is mine:

Thank you, again for letting us know I sent an update and we sent in an update!

Thank you very much itsmawal! I really appreciate you taking the time to try out our game! The feedback is also especially appreciated! We do realize that the key may be a little too difficult to find. Thank you again for your suggestions, we will definelty try to improve on them in future builds!

Great game! I can tell a lot of thought went into it. I really like the eerie background music and the story that goes with it. I did get caught in a loop though. After I beat the first part of the game, the text with the coach driver was going, but at the end of that text portion, the game restarted that portion. I do not normally play these games, so maybe an instructions portion somewhere could really help, unless I just missed it. Overall, I think you did a really good job! Like I said earlier, I can tell this game was thought out well!

I’ve seen a few people say that. I think I know what is going on. Thank you for letting me know! I really appreciate your feedback!

Thank you so much!!

Thank you very much!

Thank you very much for your input! I really appreciate you giving us specific feedback! We plan on continuing this project and your feedback really helps!

Thank you very much for your feedback! I appreciate it and those are definitely something we will look at to improve on! We plan on continuing this project and this helps us a lot!

Thank you! and thank you for letting us know about that bug. That is certainly weird. Could you move after the cutscene?

Thank you very much for taking the time to check it out and comment!!