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A member registered Feb 27, 2023 · View creator page →

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Thank you so much!

Thank you! I agree, the sfx would be awesome, but i completely forgot about that. I will hopefully do a post jam version.






this is probably one of the best submissions in my opinion. the fast-paced movement gets you really hooked right off the bat. the music is incredible, and it's overall very enjoyable. good job!


Wow! This was an amazing game. You've got to teach me how to make ui like that.

Amazing game! Definitely will save to play later.

Amazing game! Even though I'm not very good at it, I still had a very good time playing! The only thing I'd change is that the dialouge inside the game says x and z, but for mobile players it's a little confusing. Great job!

Love the inclusion of the theme! Reminds me of the Digimon toys.



Thank you so much! I agree, I should make a boss fight for The Hand. I'll start to make one when I get better at making boss fights and after the jam.

Very adorable game! I can tell it was put together very nicely with how smooth the movements are. 10/10!


XD yup! couldn't think of anything else to add, so why not! 

it was a little glitch when testing, so i thought i'd add it in for the hard mode


You like hiking: HIKER

You like fantasy worlds: Boss Beater

"cozy game is fine" : Flavor Frenzy.

Thanks for the nice comment and I really loved making this!

(2 edits)


(I'm 'game-boi' btw)

can you send a file link for the .apk? my google play says its not available for my version of android.

Hey! It's kinda like mine!


GBJAM 12 community · Created a new topic Can't wait!

See you all when it starts!

Cute design! Looks very good, and it looks like it would be a game Nintendo releases.

Thanks for putting mine up there!

HOLY CRAP THIS IS SO GOOD!!! The animations are so smooth, and the everything looks so good!! 5 stars!!!

here's mine:

Thank you so much!!! Me and my team really enjoyed working on it.

There's a feature, on the first logo (mine) where if you hold the start button you skip all the others.

Very adorable game! Love it!

Good idea.

same lol

Thank you, man. 😀

I'M INSTANTLY HOOKED! This game made me feel something I've not felt, ever.

(I also span around in circles half the time. 😂)

Wow!!! Very amazing storytelling and it has an adorable design! Definitely will suggest to my friends.