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A member registered Feb 17, 2017 · View creator page →

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tbh, my games aren't really that good. Haha. I wouldn't bother with any others out side of forgodden probably. Lol

Oh neat! I don't mind. :)

Thanks! That's so cool! Hmm, I honestly don't really know much about portmaster. I know GM has a linux export, but I don't have linux personally so I cannot test it. The source code is on github (linked at the top of the page). Maybe it runs from that? 

32x32. :)

Hey! Yes, saving vertex buffers after they are initially written and loading only those VBuffs would save an enormous amount of time. GML is not the fastest Lagrange to read/write with so you may want to implement a caching system yourself using the static buffers that you could easily load using buffer_load() and vertex_create_buffer_from_buffer()

Oh nice! I figured it was something dumb that I did. haha. Great work! 

oh good catch! Yeah, fauxton is quite a bit out of date. I probably did some wrong math when trying to account for offsetting the VB planes or something. My suggestion would be to check into the fauxton internal functions. I need to sit down soon and refactor fauxton since when I wrote it originally I was quite trash at coding. Haha.

oh that's just the name or the asset. It's not an actual game. Haha

Nope! Go crazy! No crediting required. Use any code or shader you wish. :)

hey! So there is no "gun holding" sprite per say. In that video I simple use the walking sprite and a "gun" sprite stack that I simply rotate around the player. :)

Hope this helps.

you would only need to pass in a "time" value and adjust the values based on that I think. Been a while since I looked at the code but it shouldn't be too difficult to add in.

Thanks so much! Yeah, it's a very short game. Haha. I tried to make it more forgiving since itw so hectic, but I may have nerfed the difficulty a bit too hard. Haha. 

Thanks for playing!! :)

Nice! Looks great! :)

woo-hoo! Didnt think about output latency! Nice!

Absolutely! Also check out Post Processing FX by FoxyOfJungle. It's quite literally one of the best post processing assets out there, even more so than a lot of Unity and Unreal assets, and it's only available for GM! :)

Thank you!! :D

Thank you so much! :) i hope it is useful!!

This looks incredible! First on my list once windows DLs are verified!

Deciding the idea I ended up with earlier instead of over-thinking the concept. haha. Live and learn I suppose.

REALLY cool mechanic! I love mixing colors to defeat the enemies and solve puzzles! It was well executed! The graphics are nice and the audio is good! Really cool entry! Congrats!! :D

Thank you so much! Yeah, it is intentional to have auto fire. No need to make players hold down a button. Haha. Thanks for playing!! :D

(1 edit)

Thanks! I will see if I can find a good .rar opener since for some reason my win10 doesn't have one. haha

Can we get a .zip?

Thank you so much! Yeah the boss was not quite what I wanted but ran out of time unfortunately (I originally wanted 5 unique and distinctive phases instead of 3 variant phases. haha). 

The controls absolutely need an update! Originally it was only mouse, but I added the option for WASD last minute and messed up my whole input design. lol. Happens I guess. haha. 

Thank you so much for the thorough feedback! :D I will definitely keep this comment bookmarked for when / if I pursue the project further! :D 

(1 edit)

It might just depend on the engine you're using or how the audio is being played. Typically most audio is 44.1k but sometimes it can be 48k. Is the audio being streamed instead of loaded in? Honestly I don't really know *that* much about audio but ive had issues before with streaming large audio files before. Overall, IDK though. lol. Might just have to try some different settings to see what fixes it. It could be an HTML5 issue with whatever engine you are running for certain sample rates. haha.

As far as difficulty I found it gets quite difficulty a bit to fast maybe. I was only able to get like 3 powerups before I became quite overwhelmed, so maybe just slightly dulling the spawn rate in the beginning of the game a bit? That could also just be because I suck too, so take my opinion with a grain of salt. lol. Depends on the type of audience you want playing your game I suppose. I'm not really good at games so I tend to prefer more relaxed difficulty curves, but that is just me. haha. :)

Great entry though! Well done! :D

Wow really fun! The mechanics are pretty straight forward and clear. It would have been nice to maybe have a little arrow marker or something over top of the clone you were controlling, as I sometimes had to scroll through them a couple of times to make sure I was on the right clone. I loved the comic book style intro! 

Overall great work! Really fun little puzzle coop game. I think the difficulty curve could be improved a bit but other than that it was really well done! :D
Keep it up!

A really nice VS type game! I had strange audio issues (uncommon sample rates?), but other than that it was a nice entry with that classic "OH CRAP" intensity in gameplay! I think the difficulty curve could be slightly tweaked, but other than that great entry! The audio and graphics were cohesive and it has a great vibe to it. Really nice jam entry! :D

What an incredible experience! While I thoroughly enjoyed the game, I'd like to offer some constructive feedback for even greater enjoyment. There are a few easy adjustments that could significantly enhance gameplay.


Firstly, the game's mechanics feel somewhat tedious at times, detracting from the immersive experience. Streamlining inventory management by consolidating pop-up screens and allowing batch selections would greatly improve flow and reduce unnecessary clicks.

I would condense the popup screens into 1. No need to ask me every time if I would 'like to access x machine'. You could include the description of the machine and what it does along with the interaction popup. I think you should always try to reduce the numbers of clicks a player needs to make. That also means making it so that you can select 'how many' flasks/beakers you want instead of making the player re enter the flask storage for each individual flask. 


Regarding controls, perhaps by eliminating the need for additional key bindings like 'E', it would enhance accessibility and intuitiveness. Simplifying controls to basic WASD and mouse interactions would be a bit more straightforward and require less controls.


Additionally, I would make the inventory UI 'jump over' to display closer to the popups instead of needing to drag all the way from the top left to the popup and back.

I wouldn't rely on using 'darkest color' as an identifier for which flask to keep track of because some people may have color blindness that would automatically make it hard to distinguish which flask they should be tracking. 

Overall it was a great entry! I had a lot of fun and it is really well made! Great work!! :D

There is an HTML5 build as well here but I would definitely recommend waiting until the windows version is vetted and verified. Since it is a pretty crazy bullet hell HTML5 can get really laggy once things get crazy. haha

lol. I am soooo good at spreading rumors! haha. This was a cool take on the 'its spreading' theme! Very nice game overall! Simple, to the point, and easy to play! Great work! Keep it up!! :D

This was really cool! I think there is some really fun potential here! Its like a role-playing Katamari where you slice bigger and bigger things! Really neat! My biggest suggestion would maybe be the controls. Might be a bit easier if I could just hold 'Z' / 'X' to wind up the sword toward the respective directions instead of trying to quickly circle my mouse around the player. It would be really fun to get a suuper fast spin going and then clobber through some trees. haha. But that is just a personal thing.

Overall it was a really neat concept and a really cool arcade style game! Wish I got a count on how many things I destroyed at the end! The music was nice and the sound effects were cool!

Great job! Keep it up!! :D

Wow!! Thank you so much for the kind words!! :D

Oh I man I suck at rhythm games like this. lol.  but there is a special place in my heart for them. So I tried. and I tried. and I tried. ultimately I think it would be nice for an easy mode to say the least. lol. 2HP is just not enough. lol. I'm so ashamed of myself! haha. I really want to hear the song in totality. PLEASE UPLOAD AN OST! 
overall I will definitely come back to this when I'm a bit more awake because it relies so much on memorization. From what I was able to play I loved the music and the theming was really cool for the game! :D