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Garden Tiger

A member registered 59 days ago · View creator page →

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sadly that level is bugged so none of the pickups or the level end thing loads in. That is as far as i managed to get anyway so it just takes your back to the start screen. Thanks for playing though!

thankyou :) unfortunately the game is not finished and ive mainly been using it as a way of learning how to do things in unity. I think the ladders being off is something to do with the colliders but i didnt have time to look into  it.  Your comments have helped me with what to focus on in the future for more polish :) thanks!

thankyou :) yeah i had to just get the projdct as it was uploaded and didnt have a chance to get andy music and some of the sounds but i will be sure to do this in future! 

thanks! Its certainly got me motivated to keep improving :) 

thank-you! I am pretty happy with it as a first attempt and i can see where to improve in future projects which is great!

Thanks for the feedback! Yeah its my first go and i was following a course that I bought so this is what i got but i have seen much better ways of doing movement etc. The good thing is i can recognise that those methods would work better so i must have learned something! And unfortunately I ran out of time to add more levels so sadly its just the 4 but im glad you like the fish transformation! Again Thanks for your feedback!

thanks! Ill do this now

so ive never made a game before but im really happy with what i did for this jam. Only thing is right at the end i dont actually know how to publish and upload it. By the time i figured it out i was 4 minutes past submission time. Is there any way of doing a late entry?