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A member registered Jul 31, 2017 · View creator page →

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I'm a little bit short on time and I don't want to overwork myself to burnout to deliver a demo for this Jam if I can help it. I heard from a colleague some jams in itch allows you to post submissions even after the jam is over as long as you have a published page during the jam time. Is this possible? 

An year goes away and a new one just arrived! Happy new year to all of you and your family.

The first edition of the Return To Your Roots GameJam is live! Welcome to all of the people who just joined! Feel free to make yourself a part of this community and to post your updates here or on twitter, using the hashtags #RTYR or #ReturnToYourRoots.

Let's start this year right, with gamedev! 

Great game


-New platforming addition: In earlier versions, Spark wasn't able to have any controll on his  mid-air movement. Now, if Spark is jumping straight up, pressing the right or left arrow keys makes him start to move slowly towards the given direction once. That makes it so Spark can finally jump over platforms even if he is touching them from the side.

(1 edit)

Thanks a lot man! The clipping through walls was a tough bug to fix, cuz its difficult to level design when you have a character with so many limitations. So I decided to leave that the way it was, since it wasn't breaking the game or anything. 

If it reminded you of older difficult games then the objective here is done! Thank you again.