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A member registered Jan 20, 2018 · View creator page →

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Thank you for the tip. I will go back and copy that linke.


(1 edit)

Hi WauloK,

Yes. That would be the proper thing to do. 

I'm looking forward to your game.

I'll check the Discord server and see if I can figure out what's going on there.

Thanks, Jeff

PS. I changed permissions on the Discord server. Let me know if it is working as it should.

Thank you, Sir.

A very nice game! I'm still testing. A walkthrough would be nice.

Yes. Beta testing is fine. The game cannot be published or available to the general public before the start of judging.

(2 edits)

Hi Kanderwund,

The Classic / Freestyle selection problem must be a bug. :( 

I will see about fixing that this morning. 

I believe the bug is now fixed. Please edit your game submission to ensure it is listed in the proper category. You may have to delete and re-submit the game. Please let me know how it goes. (Thank you!)

You are correct the submitted games cannot be viewed until the judging period begins.

Thank you for letting me know about the bug. And thank you for your game submission!


There is no theme. It is based on what the reviewers think is the best game.

Absolutely. Any game that has not yet been published is qualified to enter.

Hi Ragi,

I have fixed the category selection option on the submission form. Please go back and select the proper category.

Thank you for entering!

Resolved. Maintaining status quo. Authors still have the option to opt out of placement in the IF Archive.

ParserComp 2024 community · Created a new topic IF Archive?

If games on ParserComp are required to be the IFTF IF Archive, will that discourage you from entering?

Thanks, fos1

(1 edit)

Feel free to ask question about ParserComp 2024 here. You can either start a new thread or add to this one.

Thanks, fos1

I have purchased the game with a small dollar amount. It is excellent as all of your games are. Very well written and implemented. 

Thank you, Jeff

Thank you very much!

I'll be baaak. ;)

The game looks very nice.  I cannot find a purchase link.

Thank you, Fos1

Thank you for the update info. Very helpful.

Hi smartgenes,

Are you trying to submit a game for ParserComp?

If so, what was the development system?

There is a link to play Sea Coral online if you go to the game page. Thank you.

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How should the game be placed into the Jam, as Z-code or something playable via html?

Borogrove seem to be borked for storing games currently.

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I started reviewing last night. I have been looking at my old game, the Beginner Guide and the Punyinform 4.1 Manual. I am pretty sure I will be ready when the theme is announced. After writing my Ecto entry in I7 and going back  to TADS for my current game, the code all runs together. 

Thanks, Jeff

I had most of a game written for an earlier Punyjam.

I need to get back up to speed. What is the best sequence to read the documentation to start writing again?

Thanks, fos1

I can see why this game received so many ratings. It is an excellent game. I love the narrative.

This is a brilliant game. It reminds me of the Dr. Seuss books I used to read to my children. 

I took off a point because I couldn't navigate the rhyming moves to navigate without resorting to the walkthrough.

That is a very nice review. Thank you!

A very interesting game. The sound effects are a nice touch. I believe this is the first ChoiceScript game I have played. 

I have uploaded a pre-release to my personal itch account. I expect to finish the game in the next few days. 

Thank you for the link regarding accessibility.


This will be the first time I have entered a game into a competition on

Would it be possible to get a brief outline of the process for EctoComp?

Thank you, Jeff

My favorite season. EctoComp makes it even better!

Maybe a "Guessing Game"?

Hi Kenped,

A very good idea. We have already had some input from others that like We will definitely consider hosting it here again next year.

Thank you, Jeff

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New Permanent Discord Server Invite Link

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It is time to consider ParserComp 2023 implementation ideas and changes. 

New Permanent Discord Server Invite Link

Sample discussion ideas:

  • Preface: I would prefer for every game to win. I personally find merit in every game I play. I am generally amazed by each author’s creativity.
    • ParserComp is a discriminatory rather than a mastery type of comp.
    • Every game is a winner, but the scores and ranking provide feedback to the authors that is more valuable than just being a winner. An author’s next gave can be better and a winner.
  • Main (85%) vs. Supplemental (15%)
    • ParserComp is intended to showcase “text based” parser games. We wanted to include some recognition for games that had added, supplemental content but that was not the focus. This led to the weighting criteria.
    • Next year we will re-address this issue.
    • Some games were not “text based” parser games. This is an amateur “comp” for learning and enjoyment, these games were allowed to remain. This is another issue that will be addressed for next year’s comp.
  • only provides normalized overall score and raw score totals for each game.
    • Itch does not consider weighting at all.
    • Itch does not provide any details on raw scoring, just a number.
  • Initially, Itch rating was borked and not working at all.
    • No support from
    • Hacking and hoop jumping required to fix.
  • Some difference with weighting particularly with the top two games. The place was reversed, 1:2.
    • Only fair to score with weighting due to announced rules prior to comp.
    • Weighting was performed per game. Best pragmatic solution.
      • A lot of number crunching
      • Spot verified, values correct to three decimal places
      • A more mathematically intense calculation would not have produced significantly different results. Next time I may use Mathmatica and consider the Fine Structure Constant. ?
    • Provided trophy to second place as compensation.
  • We intend to take ParserComp off next year. We intend to have a dedicated site with better rating and ranking system. We have nine months to complete the new site.
  • The overall rank was determined by weighted calculation. The individual categories were just the normalized data from This may be the reason for some of the calculation discrepancies. However, other than the overall ranking, it is for informational purposes to provide well deserved accolades to the individual authors.

Thank you for posting your detailed spreadsheet. admin still hasn't resolved our problem. :(

Still a problem!  Oouch! :(

The ranking system is not allowing an edit since the ranking period has started. I am going to contact itch support. 

I just joined early after reading Emily Short's blog.

Another iron in the fire....

Thanks for hosting the jam, Jeff

I never finish...  :(

Good deal. I do get to play them. I really don't think it would be an issue since I can't vote anyway.

Good luck!

Looks like fun! As an organizer, I am precluded from testing.

I play when the submission period is over!   :)
