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A member registered Nov 01, 2022 · View creator page →

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First perfect score i give to someone.

One of the best ones i've heard so far

The bass is just too good.

Very medieval and epic!

Its really satisfying when it goes back to the the main beat, and the bird sound effects fit quite well.

Thanks! it was kinda difficult to make the percussion the way i wanted it to feel like.

Great song, but feels too chill for the theme and title.

It almost feels epic

Please play Bread Collector!


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I'm wondering if there's a way to just link my song through soundcloud, without having to create a project?

(btw i already finished it lmao)

You need to prestige, the top right button does that. (its not a cost its a gain)

Is it just me or that wind minigame was really hard?


How do i play it

Nah, I have windows 10. its just that the buttons don't actually work.

Wow, did not expect people to like my game. Thanks a lot!

I don't know if this happens in the lua version as well, but its completly unplayable in the executable. The idea sounds pretty fun though!

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Nice Easter Egg

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My right arrow key doesn't work. Would be happy if you added WASD

What the hell was this?

Just fixed another couple of bugs. but now previous savefiles aren't gonna work. (i dont think anyone cares tho)

I fixed the first bug, but the second didn't even happen to me. I believe there might be something in your device causing this.

Beautiful. 🍞🍞🍞

Thats your classic really generic idle game right there. Very good!

Please stop using random game jams to promote your game.

It says that the jam started but there is still no theme revealed.

Just for you to know i acknowledge that the config menu doesn't work and that the first upgrade is called "gun recharge" when there is no gun.

Thx for feedback! i changed the things a bit.

I wanted to paticipate the jam, but im not too experienced with game engines.

I can program on scratch, then convert to html to make it playable on browser.

Could someone answer this for me?

i participaded on this jam before, and i used turbowarp to convert the file, so i guess its ok.

Did you know theres an scratch offline app for desktop

You only need to put the sb3 to html file on the page. so it doesnt actually matter

I guess it's just my computer but it didn't work for me
