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Figerox Studios

A member registered Jun 06, 2022 · View creator page →

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I'd love to see a bit more into it, maybe even *increase* the scare factor! The atmosphere was very good. I'd love to see an update!

My apologies, I never posted the link!

I have no idea what I just played. It was so interesting, I made it it's own video.

I'll be playing the rest of the submissions shortly. Please do not spam others pages.

I would suggest giving much more than just a little description. :) I have no idea what it is, just that it's a bookmark sized game. Just food for thought!

This was absolutely amazing, and I didn't even mind that my hand feels like i just gigawhacked for 3 hours straight.

Honestly? Make a full game out of this.

See, i left that original comment before i played the game.

I completely disagree. The fact that this was made in 9 days is amazing.

"little boring" and "6/10" don't really do anything. it kinda just shits on the game.  Was it useful in any way to leave this comment?

It was fun! You should make it into a full game. It would easily be buyable as a 1.99 game with like 50 levels or something around that as a start.

Not too scary though. Maybe add a new color, like red. And make something chase you completely out of the blue on a random level.

This has some good potential, but unfortunately, there was some sort of script being ran when you looked at the green monster that just kept screwing me up. it would stop my movement for a few seconds, and by the time i was able to turn around, the monster always got me.

also, Titties.

I was blown away by this. God damn that darkness was scary. And on the way up from the 3rd?  Oh. My. God.

Dude. How the hell did you make an entire TTRPG in 9 days AND make it pretty much perfectly balanced? This is crazy. I am very impressed with this.

Also, Big Balls for just submitting a PDF.

still broken :(

Pop me a reply when it's fixed ;)

That first one got me real good. of course leaving would make that happen, shoulda saw it coming! Can't wait to see more from you my dude.

The little doll got me the worst in it. I loved the killer toilet, too. You really nailed the psx style! and the atmosphere and sounds were good for your 2nd 3D horror game!
Yours is 2nd on the list! :)

Hey there! This was a really good game. The premise was simple, yet solid. and multiple endings!
I also maybe possibly... speedran it. it was that good. I'd like to see someone beat my time ;) your's is third on the list!

a fear I did not know I even had. I Play horror games every day, and also make horror games, and I didn't have the balls to play through this one fully.I dunno man. The 2nd time the light turned off, I noped outta that so fast.I needed my wife home to play the rest, and THE SCARES! MY GOD!

on launch :( it's just my computer, I don't think it can run new unreal stuff for some odd reason.

If you can somehow get a tabletop game working I'd think you'd auto win lmao

I apparently have found a fear I did not know I even had. I Play horror games every day, and also make horror games, and I didn't have the balls to play through this one fully.I dunno man. The 2nd time the light turned off, I noped outta that so fast.

This really helped! I am gonna have to make some sort of signal to make it more obvious to pick things up. I'm thinking a test box, maybe...

(2 edits)

You will be able to play the Alpha version in around 1 year.

Thank you for your feedback, though it was only complaining. 😅

 Keep in mind, I am a solo dev who has also done all of the art by themselves. The fact that you called it sloppy? I'm not being mad about it or anything, but my man, just don't say stupid things and think before you hit that enter button. You should fix your own art before you shit on other people's art and work. I am not saying your art is bad, but like.... come on. You had a rock, a wall, a bed, a tree, some water, and a building.

So yes, I'll be honest. I'm taking this entire thing with a grain of salt and not putting much thought behind it.

I had a blast for what it was. I would have liked to have seen a little more done with 30 days of work, but I completely understand how hard game dev can be as well. The farming cycle worked, and the only bug I was able to see was sometimes a slime would get stuck, but maybe just chalk that up to lore. I would love to see this have some updates with a price tag. it would make a great mobile game, or even switch.

I had a blast for what it was. I would have liked to have seen a little more done with 30 days of work, but I completely understand how hard game dev can be as well. The farming cycle worked, and the only bug I was able to see was sometimes a slime would get stuck, but maybe just chalk that up to lore. I would love to see this have some updates with a price tag. it would make a great mobile game, or even switch.

Black Screen :(

Shoot me a message when the bug gets fixed :)

I couldn't quite figure out how to sell any of the crops, and kept running out of time due to the rumors going up about me.

I liked the graphics, and the pixelated style was truly unique. The music was just the right amount of 90s style.

The night time brightness was spooky as hell there for a minute!

I couldn't quite figure out how to sell any of the crops, and kept running out of time due to the rumors going up about me.

I liked the graphics, and the pixelated style was truly unique. The music was just the right amount of 90s style.

The night time brightness was spooky as hell there for a minute!

Farming: I would have enjoyed more than 1 type, but the functions were absolutely solid and rooted.

Enjoyability: The voice acting was intriguing and had me wanting to hear more. I just had to see what you guys would say next! The fact that you got functioning walls and a bed was very impressive as well.

UI: The UI was top notch. I would suggest making the smaller text a bit easier to read somehow, maybe a sharper color choice for the smaller text.

Uniqueness: The dialogue choice had me cracking the hell up. keep it coming. A panda who loves bamboo? You gotta really get those cheesy jokes in there. there does have to be a good balance though!

Bugs: There were 2 bugs i found. "up" on a controller sends you straight into the sky, and if you position it just right, you can build on trees.

Theme: You got the "Magic" Requirement quite nicely, with the magic panda and the spooky voice had the horror theme technically.. Nice!

(1 edit)

I am glad you gave it a try. The cutscenes and food gathering would have provided you with 30+ chances each day to gather food and healing items though... did you try more than a few days? Did you attempt any of the systems I had? Fishing? RNG? Any of the cutscenes? How'd you feel about them?

(2 edits)

Things I would love to see before the submission deadline:
A quick tutorial on the entire game.

Small library to see what makes what once you figure it out

I think that alone will majorly boost the scores it will get!

(1 edit)

Thanks for giving it a try. I wish I could understand Russian! :) 

One monster has a FoV, while the other is short ranged but fast. They are not broken and worked like they should have based on what I saw :)

so many people have joined i now have to make a new link

I ended up getting it working and got all 27 samples. it took 364 second! :) I had a great time! It would have been great to find even more. Maybe you could add climbable trees.

It took about 5 seconds for me to get the money, you can just spam the mud. otherwise, absolutely solid!

I enjoyed the music and sounds.

90s graphics? perfect!

Awesome! I can't wait to see what updates you have in store! :) I'll for sure be coming back to this.

Aw man! Was it the scratchy looking walls? or was it buttons? I ended up finding a single button that I could not figure out what it did when you pressed it D:

and nah man, the ammo was perfect! in fact, when you add fists, take ammo out!

Exploration Stages? I'm super curious to know what you mean by that! :)

You need to turn this into a horror game and not tell a soul. The whole feeling of this screams horror game. the fisheye makes it super unsettling, and the fact that there is limited camera makes it even more unsettling. This is a game of nightmares. (in a good way)