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A member registered Mar 17, 2021 · View creator page →

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Thanks! I sent you a friend request on discord so we can message

(1 edit)

Hey, there feel free to contact me for some electronic music. I'm a big Silent Hill fan, but could go other directions too ;)

Hi there, I'm an experienced composer who has been working on soundtracks for various teams in different jams. 

Have a look here:

You can also write me on discord:  e_mertz

Hey, there feel free to contact me for some great electronic music. Already worked in several game jams in the past and have composed for games, theater & performance!

And still ^

A lot of fun. Certainly potential to make a full game out of this

Still open to join another team!

Hi there, I love working on game-related soundtrack projects. I am highly passionate and easy-going to work with. Open to different financialarrangements, depending on your project.

Here's a tiny showreel, mix of theater and game projects I worked for:

And here a page with more in-depth tracks:

Most Recent project i worked on was this: 

Great graphics and music! Well done narrative!

A bit unfinished, but off to a great start. I'm impressed by the high quality of graphics and having what sounds like proper voice acting. 

The level design looked also great. Unfortunately I feel like I hit a dead end when going to the light house and running around on the water. Also halfway to the light house I started seeing the character model of my first person in front of a way that didn't look intentional

Well done! Enjoyed the dark narrative and dialogue. Some good work on the music too. Small tip: It's not clear before downloading on which system this runs, may be good to add in itch.

Love the aesthetics, sorta oldschool myst-like. Wish it had some music or sound. Overal still a bit unifinished, but for a 6 day jam a great effort!

Love the aesthetics in sound and the concept of the game. It's hard to give "story" a rating but it didn't need one.

Impressive work for the scope of a jam. The aesthetics, both visually and in sound may not be my personal taste but I can see that a lot of love and detail was put into them and have big respect for the result. Well executed backgrounds, stellar animation.

The "battle" mechanics can still need some improvement and it wasn't clear for me if I am actually taking damage from these rats.

Loved the system-shock like theme. Also having to make a choice at some point and all of them sound f*ed up is great!

For me it doesn't feel like a horror game and it's somewhat unfinished. 

But other than that I love it. I love the graphics and the myst-like aesthetics. Add some music and sound fx and this is a great start!

Here' s ours

very cute and nice sad plot <3 Love that it is a looping game :)

Hey there, I'm interested :) Contact me via Discord @e_mertz or mail

Hey, there feel free to contact me for some electronic music. I'm a big Silent Hill fan, but could go other directions too ;)

(1 edit)

Hey there, I'm a fan of the game and love to create any surrealist music.
Here's a tiny showreel, mix of theater and game projects I worked for:

And here a page with more in-depth tracks:

Discord: @e_mertz

Very cool conceptual surrealist interactive experience

I  checked the first two minutes and didn"t hear any voices...

Very cool, love the environment. Makes me wanna get a joystick :) Having that said , controls need a little work. But could be this game just shouldn't be played with a mouse. 

Looking forward to see a finished version.

I had this game on my hard drive for like 1,5 years. Completely forgotten, I once launched it when not being able to sleep and wondering what the name might stand for. Found myself in an amazing crazy world that will stay with me for years. Beautiful stuff!