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A member registered Oct 06, 2023 · View creator page →

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This game is a nightmare to control. Amazing.

I think there's some potential here, maybe flipping while in the air, and accelerating faster would be cool.

That second jump is real tricky

Neat concept, The camera is a bit broken I think? It seems to do strange stuff if it gets too low.

My partner did all the pixel art, and I did all the coding! This was a colab project!

Yay for pizza or something!

Crazy game

Figured out how to get a high score

(1 edit)

I just checked again, if I just open the menu, I can close it with tab. But if I click on a ui element, tab just cycles between them.

Edit, that might be it. It should probably be communicated better then.

Please put your controls somewhere.

I don't think the game works in browser. I can't get out of the build menu

Visuals are really well done.

I'm not sure if I really "get" the story.

Towards the end, the text was changing at the same time as the cashier, so I went to read at the same time as the image was changing, and I missed it like 5 times in a row.

I'll echo the mini game being really unforgiving. I did beat it fairly quickly though, I think that it's fairly intuitive. The ball just needs to drop faster when you click.

....I also think fewer periods at the start of sentences.... lol 

Interesting, I can look into the hitboxes missing, but I actually made them much more generous than the visual appears. I had the opposite problem in testing, where one attack could hit an enemy 2-3 times.

Thanks for playing! I'm glad you enjoyed it!

I agree with the previous comment. The difficulty of the game never really got any higher, but if it did get appreciably harder, I wouldn't be able to read the story. It's definitely a hard balance to find. The emotional state definitely didn't feel impactful. If it changed my fire pattern, like sad made them fire in a crying-like downward arc, angry was a charged burst/blast, then I would have to pay attention to it and it would tie the narrative and gameplay together a lot more cleanly.

Pixel art is quite good, concept seems interesting, but as some other comments have stated the game is probably too hard. 

Difficulty is fine in games, but when you put it right at the beginning, you'll discourage people from playing your game. The lack of checkpoints (at least as far as I got) is also very discouraging.

Hey! I made all of the assets for my game, aside from the music and sound effects.

I'm really happy with how the dynamic lighting looks, and I have a really neat sprite stacking "system" (if you can call it that) with the upgrades, similar to The Binding of Isaac.

Visuals are very good, and the ambience adds a very "dreadful" feeling to the game.
I think the game would have benefitted from being slightly longer, with another scene or two, but this is a really cool first project!

Simple, fun and well executed. 

My only complaints are that the inverse controls should have some sort of visual or audio queue, and that damage often felt unavoidable during the floaty gravity. Especially when the delayed beams were on screen. 

My score was 2444. 

I also found the spam clicking buttons to make them disappear lol. I think that how to use the different emotional actions could have been better communicated.

There's a fun concept here, having to manage your pawns emotional state to do battle. Like an rpg Rimworld.

Very strong concept, but some playability issues. It's a bit tedious to have to run to a far corner to retry a tricky jump, particularly in stage "1", after already doing a long ladder. 

The grid paper lines have a cool visual, but have a bit of readability issues. A bit bolder with the lines would have been better imo.

I do think there's a really fun game in here though, but trying to balance running back with your ghost, after spamming kick and hope you hit yourself doesn't seem right. Maybe I was doing it wrong though. 

The main issue I think is that it's not clear what's happening in the upgrade window. If you cleared that up, then the game would be a lot more readable.

Hey, I'm really sorry, but we found our musician already. I forgot to update this thread. Thanks for replying though!

I think I broke the game lol

Oh, that screen just looks bad lol. I ran out of energy to want to make it look better before the end of the jam lol

Okay, I think I see what happened here. Your aspect ratio is significantly different from the one I set it to by default and it stretched the canvas in a weird way. I'll keep this in mind for future projects and maybe add aspect ratio options. 

Thank you!

Can you clarify what you mean by the text being too small? I've set the canvas to stretch, so it should be the same size on all monitors.

Thanks for playing!

(2 edits)

Hello! We are a team of two who are working on a surrealist experience around exploring a small town. Are there any musicians who are interested in working on some music for this project?  

Hey! I've got a top down roguelike in the style of nuclear throne. I'll try catch the stream!

Haha, I've gotten so many responses about the cactus. I may have overtuned them slightly!

I think your core mechanic seems really interesting, but the visuals are unfortunately pretty painful. The way they flash and change gave me a headache pretty quick. Keep at it though!