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A member registered May 09, 2023 · View creator page →

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i can code in unity c# kinda, but i am better at art. if you want to team with me just DM me on discord my name is flamereh

my name is flamereh i sent my display name instead sorry, just resend it to flamereh.

Sure, how can i get in contact with your team?

I already have found a team, they DMed me on discord

Sorry :(

it would be hard for most people to play, some people may not have the full version of GD but thats a fun idea

i am a artist looking for a team.

if you want to team DM me my discord is: Craze7

i forgor to read the other part of the rules my bad

I am a beginner coder and a decent pixel artist looking for a team. 

Question, if i have a team of 2 can we both work for 3 hours or do we have to split it up to 1hour and 30 minutes.


what do you think would be a good alternative for using the mouse?

I was sweating and I was an hour early!

almost missed the deadline :>

(1 edit)

I love the art and the idea. the music is kinda soothing and sounds like lo-fi to me =) the how to play screen was a little daunting and could possibly be shortened. the cursor being isometric is very funny to me and just a little bit of polishing that went a long way. it was a little bit easy and i got to 23 turns before I felt like this game was getting boring. Still fun none the less.

I am still in the mostly tutorial faze of game dev and I was pretty buzzy, I didn't totally make everything that I wanted to and I do like the idea of having more bullets be shot from different enemies, I tried this but there was a but that would deduct 2 HP from the player. I spend 5 hours trying to fix it but had to scrap that idea. Thanks for the feedback and I defiantly will update this game in the future.

1-BIT JAM #3 community · Created a new topic question

some of the assets in my game aren't loading and i was wondering if anybody could explain or help me

It felt weird to hit my head on stuff and made me think my movement was canceled, i guess its hard to do something when its not there

very fun, the player controller could be improved though. 

I'm unable to submit my game do to technical difficulty. this game jam was really fun and I learned a lot. I will still realese the game but it won't meet the jam time. Its been a blast and I will partake in the next game jam. Best of luck to all.