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A member registered Sep 07, 2016 · View creator page →

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Yep!  You can submit the same game to both

Hi everyone, 

 Since was down when the theme was to be announced, I will be adding some extra time for everyone to make up for the downtime.

Hi everyone, 

Since was down when the theme was to be announced, I will be adding some extra time for everyone to make up for the downtime.

Theme: You only get one

Thanks for posting it, Ace!  Updating the jam pages, should be done shortly.

I like the idea here!  

Wow, great puzzler! Very nice tutorial/guidance, and I think this has a great amount of potential for a full game!

Interesting concept!  I wasn't sure about what I was doing at first, but now that I see some of the other comments and played around with it a bit, I'm intrigued about your vision for this!

lol what in the did you come up with this idea?  And then the riff on C++!  This is a really fun game, but as I look back at my flock drowning in a pool of lava, I feel like maybe I'm not the best shepherd.....

Simple concept, hard to master, fun to play!  I'd love to see a bigger screen, as it was a bit hard to dodge.  Stinkin' sharks!

Wow, this was really well-done all around, and a great spin on the jam theme!  Excellent work!

Nice!  I'm so not good at FPS games, but I liked this!

Nicely done!  I really like the ambiance that you created...sounds like it's shaping up to be an interesting story in the game as well!

This was fun!  I'd like to see more tracks/levels!  I played this game just like I drive in real life....I hit every traffic cone....that's an achievement, right?? :)

I like this concept!  I didn't have anyone to play with, but from what I can tell, the controls were smooth, and I like the bumper car type gameplay!  I'll have to have some of my family play with me, I can tell it's a really fun idea :)

I saw that you put a lot of work into your Pygame work, great job!  Have you ever looked into Python Arcade?  I was just wondering, I am working with some students on Pygame, and was wondering how Arcade compares.

For those who are on Discord, we do have a jam Discord:

For those who are on Discord, we do have a jam Discord:

Theme: Strength in Numbers

Theme: Strength in Numbers

Hi everyone!  Glad you're excited, and I'm looking forward to revealing the next theme (don't know what it is yet, so I'm just as much in suspense as all of ya'll!)

Sounds good to me!  Will this be your first game, or just looking to get better at making a game?

Hi Matthias!  If you are open to using Discord, there's also a channel there for finding teams.  There's a stickied post in the community here with the link if you're interested!

No rewards in this jam.  Just for fun/practice!

I think it's good if you can set some sort of a goal for yourself during the jam, something you want to improve on or try out.  Or maybe the goal is just to have fun and enjoy the game dev experience!

For me, I really want to get better with my time management this time around. It seems like I picked the worst time to start doing these jams! But I've always got a lot of stuff going on, so I really need to learn how to work better with the time I do have.

I think it's good if you can set some sort of a goal for yourself during the jam, something you want to improve on or try out.  Or maybe the goal is just to have fun and enjoy the game dev experience!

For me, I really want to get better with my time management this time around. It seems like I picked the worst time to start doing these jams! But I've always got a lot of stuff going on, so I really need to learn how to work better with the time I do have.

Theme: Choose your path!

Theme: Choose your path!

Sorry about that!  New link:

(1 edit)

Hi everyone!  I'm not really a Discord person myself, but an insightful jammer suggested it might be a nice way to help people connect.  With that great suggestion in mind, I've created a Discord for the practice jams:

(1 edit)

Hi everyone!  I'm not really a Discord person myself, but an insightful jammer suggested it might be a nice way to help people connect.  With that great suggestion in mind, I've created a Discord for the practice jams:

I am so horrible at these types of games, so I don't think I was any good at it, but this is a fun, cute concept!  I like your colorful 80s look, combined with the Mii-style character, and though I'm emphatically NOT good at it, I still had fun trying to get little Luna across those clouds!

Now this is a horror game done right.  I liked your use of effects (the heartbeat/breathing, the echo-ey steps, the shaky camera and and graininess gave it a Blair Witch feel).  Very good use of power-ups and collectibles.  That nightmare thing came out of nowhere!  Felt like exploring a scene in Earthbound or Yokai Watch from hell!

This was really fun!  You did a really great job setting up the aesthetic, with the visuals and the music, and great gameplay concept!  Simple, yet challenging.

Hello!  No, I can't really think of anything.  Just try to make it safe for work.  This is a pretty loose affair, just for fun and practice, to help us all improve our skills.  Hopefully you guys will have fun!

Good!  Looking forward to the jam start!

Hello!  How are you?  Glad to have you join us!

No problem, of course you may call me CHG :)  I'm glad I was able to help!  I hope you have fun in the jam and that you find it valuable!

Hello, and welcome!  Glad to have you join us!  Typically, the idea is to start working on the game after the jam starts.  But you can work on practicing general skills before then.  Like for instance, say maybe you want to learn how to include dialog in a game, you can start practicing how to do that now, and then use what you've learned in the next game jam.  And then when the jam starts, you can start developing specifically for the jam.

In fact, I highly recommend using time between jams to build your "toolkit" and skill set.  That also goes for art, music, etc.  Like if you're an artist, you can be working on an archive of sprites, models, etc, that you can then later use in jams.  So just as we say you can use pre-existing assets (art and sound assets, etc) for game jams, you can use pre-existing knowledge and general coding tools (even those you've made yourself) as well.

Does that make sense?

Yep!  That's actually what I had in mind