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A member registered Jul 07, 2018

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(4 edits)

-there seems to be spots in different areas where you can get "out of bounds"

-when entering rooms with a lot of NPCs I get a window that pops up out of the game telling me "There are no NPV spots on the template. Please try to download the latest version of the game." which I presume is show because there are too many NPCs

-also in rooms with a lot of NPCs many are stuck in walls

-again, in rooms with a lot of NPCs many are close together, so when you push 'E' to talk to them, every NPC's text window pops up that you're close to.

-in rooms with a lot of files (i.e. I had one room with 89 enemies) many enemies of the same type spawn on top of each other

-also in rooms with a lot of files, some enemies will spawn out of bounds

-when an NPC is standing on a platform directly above you, they begin to turn left and right incredibly fast

I'll update this as I come across more. Hope this helps

this fixed all the fatal errors for me as well

Is there any way to use a drive other than the C drive? Most of my files are on a different drive