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A member registered Sep 02, 2019 · View creator page →

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I want this on my phone so bad! Or basically anything handheld :D

If you set Max Mines per Space to 1, it's the same rules as classic minesweeper. Setting that to a number greater than 1 makes it so there could be multiple mines in a spot, which makes the logic a bit harder.

.love files are secretly just .zips so you can open it up and get the files directly that way, or if you want to stream them, I just posted them to soundcloud:
I'm glad you liked it!

I love this type of resource collection game, and this is a great simple implementation of it. I'm impressed with how clear the UI is given the resolution constraint.

ah I should have mentioned I was using the keyboard controls :)

I'm glad you liked it! The intro is from the library I used to handle physics and camera stuff, pancake.

I thought this was very cute! I thought it was a little too hard to find the recipe.

This was not only a great game jam entry, but just a genuinely great game :)

I was a little sad to see the manual override portion broke out of the 64x64 grid a little though.

When I start the game, the "start game" and "credits" options are grayed out, and the keyboard controls listed on the game page don't work for me.

if it helps, I think it happened when I was about to push a block off of the top of the screen

nil dereference exception on line 195

Thanks for the feedback! I'll keep that in mind when I go back to clean up the movement over the next couple of days :)