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Bannerless Games

A member registered Dec 03, 2019 · View creator page →

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Due to popular demand (including from yours truly), the deadline has been EXTENDED to Wednesday, June 5.

See you on the submissions page!

Absolutely love this! And, btw, you are totally free to submit a playlist for broadcast that has copyrighted songs - plenty of people have. Check out some of the Affiliate shows here! Rarely do they get struck down for copyright.

Hello! Already heard at least one person who wants to lend their talents to this jam, but doesn't necessarily want to create an entry themselves.  If that's you and you want to offer writing, editing, design, voice work, whatever to another project, or you're in search of someone who can, post that here!

That's a good idea! Making a website for it is something I'll have to look into, but if you want to email your recorded file you can send it to!

Sorry - Crowdfundr did not send me any notice that I'd gotten a reply. Drop me a line at bannerlessgames@gmail and we'll get you sorted. 

That's so cool, I'm so glad you like it! I just followed the Tumblr. If you ever get the urge to submit a show for broadcast, you know where to find me.

Yes, this game was in the TTRPG Bundle for Trans Youth!

That put such a smile on my face! Let me look into printing up real business cards.

Just added 10, have fun!

That is simply wonderful and devastating to hear (in a nice way). I'm glad you made it through that, and I'm glad the game was able to help. If you ever get an itch to broadcast, I'll be happy to send your show out on the airwaves.

I love hearing this, and if you're ever willing to share, I would love to hear them. 

Hey there! Guess I could have done that a little clearer. The Bard's instrument is Harm 1. 

That's very kind, thank you. This ended up being the last comic I wrote, and that feels fitting, in a way.

Yes that's me, I'm Ken! You can find assets for use here, it's all a free download and there is also a dropbox link with the same files:

Hey, sorry, late to reply here! No, enemies can drop energy as per usual Lumen rules - I just didn't cover Lumen in this doc. 

Thank you for your very kind words!

I have, in fact, debated that very question. It's a tough line to walk: I want the prompts to be specific enough to get your mind searching (without being overly prescriptive) and broad enough that they're open to endless interpretation (but not so broad they're basically useless). I think I erred on the side of the former, which is fine for a single session but obviously gets constraining over time.

Before I settled on the suits/song blocks format, I wanted to use cards to sort of build a "formula" of songs reacting to the previous songs on the list, but couldn't quite get my head around it. Still thinking about it.

Either which way, I'll see what I can do - more supplemental material is on the way!

Much appreciated. I just put up 20 community copies - please take one with my compliments.

it was a great show!

Comment full of superlatives

I am not sure why devlogs behave that way (and it's possible the problem is me!). But the file is available on the main game page, just scroll down to the very end and you'll see it under "Download Demo" along with the wallpapers. 

Thank you so much! Can't wait to hear how the rest of your game goes. 

Just been tuning up the tower, ready to receive signal...

Hi there! Sorry for the confusion - yes, that is my error. Broadly speaking any TURN (roll a die, draw that many cards, play them out, roll a die again to see if you get a 5 or 6) is (or should be) referred to as a "week," but I do state in the text that time is kind of flexible there and that's more of a suggestion than an iron-clad rule. It's really up to you if that full turn is a day, a week, a month, whatever.

And yes, the idea is you roll that salvation die (as the Wretched & Alone framework calls it) at the end of each turn, but not at the end of each card. You are right that that makes clearing all 10 ghosts an unlikely outcome; that's the dirty secret of Wretched & Alone games. It is possible to survive (especially if you remove the Jenga tower), but extremely unlikely. These games are more about the journey than the destination, about finding meaning even in the face of futility.

You can reshuffle and keep going, but I would wait until all cards are spent before doing so.

Hell yeah Steely Dan

just the pre-order - print copies will be available soon via Knave of Cups and Indie Press Revolution! I expect mid April.

Thank you so much!

Sure do - it's at A few of the first broadcasts are there, but copyright makes keeping them online a tricky proposition. 

Can't wait to see what you come up with!

Glad you're excited! I'll be ordering the print run next week, and if you entered your address you're set. If not I'll email you to get it. I expect these will ship mid April.

Me too! Thanks so much for checking it out, hope you like it! 

The game releases tomorrow! Be sure to follow so you get the notice when it goes live.

yo, thanks so much, this was lovely to read! Glad your group got the wiggins. That's what I like to hear.


That's super kind, thank you!

Want to bring the mayhem of '90s-era FPS games to your tabletop? Then strap on your helmet and load up your BFG: HELL GRINDERS gives you the classes, tools and rules to slay the legions of Heaven and Hell to avert the apocalypse... or at least make them all pay for bringing it about.

As an RPG powered by Lumen, HELL GRINDERS is all about power fantasy: weapons, drops, and crazy powers like "Everything is Chainsaws" and "Ride the Lightning" give you countless ways to shoot, stab, torch, blow up and otherwise slay demonic and angelic armies.

For $6.66, you get:

  • 20 pages of rules, classes, weapons, enemies and tables
  • 4 classes ready to rock
  • 21 weapons and 12 tags to punch, shoot, slice and burn Heaven and Hell's legions
  • 5 cheat codes to amp up your game
  • Liner notes and graffiti lovingly rendered throughout

That last bit? Yeah, I printed out the rules, drew in them with pens and sharpies, then  re-scanned the pages to give it the full "metalhead teenager's high school notebook" feeling.

Pick up yours here, let me know what you think!

Slay the legions of Heaven and Hell and save the Earth in a  '90s throwback blood-and-guts boomer shooter FPS.

That is so incredibly kind, thank you! I was very proud to put this out in the world a few years back. I think the art team did a wonderful job.

Hey everyone --

I am immensely proud to announce the release of my newest solo journaling RPG, Lighthouse at the End of the World. As a Wretched & Alone game, Lighthouse uses a die, playing cards, a coin, and a few other pieces to help you generate an original story of doom, grace and perseverance.

In Lighthouse, you are the keeper of the titular beacon at the furthest reaches of human civilization. You live amongst the salvage from countless shipwrecks, neighbor to the most remote penal colony on earth, and you are not alone. Those shipwrecks brought not just cargo but their dead to your shores, and in their madness they'll do anything to take your mind and then your body from you.

As you fulfill your duties, tend the light and wrestle with your own past, you'll try to piece together the mysteries of who these ghosts are. Because uncovering their identities will finally end their suffering... and a measure of your own.

Lighthouse at the  End of the Earth is a 32-page RPG. The PDF is $10, and pre-orders for a limited print run (in addition to the PDF) is $15. You can find it here, and get in the mood with the official playlist here.

That's a good note -- I'm never quite sure where to list this stuff. I'll update! Thank you!

Well, OK -- almost all of it. The stuff that's free-free isn't in the bundle because of how bundles work.

But it's true: I've been self-publishing TTRPG work on itch for just over a year now and I'm fast approaching 2,500 downloads of my work. To mark the occasion I've bundled 12 downloads ($32, normally) for $2.50.

Check out The 2500 Download Bundle here and get:

  • 5 Blades in the Dark scores, for crews of all types
  • 5 Original Comic Books, from horror to cyberpunk
  • 3 Dark Fantasy TTRPG Tables, to weird up any fantasy game
  • 2 Stand-Alone Group TTRPGs, from crime-comedy to surreal sci-fi
  • 2 Solo TTRPGs, to help you write stories
  • 1 Mork Borg Adventure, that a lot of people seem to like

You can see summaries of all these on my main page. If you like any of it, leave a review and let me know! Enjoy.