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A member registered Jan 17, 2022 · View creator page →

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I love the system. The plot twists are fantastic. I am going for a full harem. Penelope the three LIs and countess (yes I do know that was not an option) May are going to be very happy together. <3 

Thank you. We appreciate the advice. We will fix those problems ASAP. Except maybe needing to build momentum. That is still somthing we are discussing <3

The art is nice.

I love cute fluffy tummies <3

I could not figure out what the remote does. Oddly enough I remember this game. I watched my brother play it when when computers were still dialup.

Great game as always. <3 I was embarrassed because the game my friends and I made is... development did not go well. Now I am even more embarrassed.

Fun game. I did clip into two different walls soft locking the game.

I made it to round nine.

Cute game. It is a nice way to waste a little time.

The art is nice.

This is a great game with a lot of clever ideas. I opened every chest.

I like the art. I would rub her tummy any time.

You don't need an excuse to call your mom. Your mom is awesome.

You made a fantastic game. The art is very sexy. I got every birth scene.

10/10 no comments.

I liked this game. I thought it was a novel idea and a good way to waste a little time.

Fun game. I got ending 5 my first try. I will be sure to get the rest. <3

I really like the game. I hate the prince and am glad Evelin got away from him.

I liked this game. The puzzles were fair. The tummys were big.

Great game. I love how affectionate Rory is. All the big bellies were cute. The entire game is just so cute.

I love Jess. I want to rub her belly <3

Great game. I only found one bad ending. Keep up the great work <3

Update: The game is coming along really well. We would love to have an artist join the team to help make CGs for the cutscenes. Please don't be shy.

If your team is so great why are you recruiting on It sounds suspicious. I am not saying this is a scam. This is not the whole truth.

I wanted to give an example of what I would like.  My example also acts as a show of why I can't do the CGs. Bright Mac is supposed to be much bigger XD. You don't have to be perfect just better than me.

There are apps called Burn Your Fat With Me. They got me to do pushups, squats and situps by having cute girls praise me.

I don't have a twitter account, but I absolutly will make one if it means I can work with you. I have Dischord. If you don't have Dischord tell me your twitter handle and I will DM you asap.

I understand why you want different art. Your art does not have a mainstream look. I don't hate your art. The look would not put me off from playing your game. I think you are selling yourself short.

OMG! Your art is fantastic. I would love to work with you. <3 My self and a few other people are making a game for the preggo game jam. We need 5-6 images of Buttercup (AJ's mother in MLP) getting progressivly more pregnant.

More detail on the project.

I hope you say yes. It would be amazing to have you on the team. If you are not interested I will understand. I hope you find a project you love and have a wonderful day.

AI is against the rules of the jam :( That is a shame. Hopefully we will have the opportunity to work together on a project in the future.

Hello. I love your games. You are really talented. I would love it if you could help with a MLP game myself and a few others are working on. We are making a game for the preggo game jam. We need an artist who can draw 5-6 CGs of Buttercup (Pear Butter) getting progressively more pregnant. I hope it is not rude of me to ask. I will completely understand if you say no. Have a wonderful day either way.

Link to the help wanted post.

Hello. I hope you are having a wonderful day. <3

  We are currently a team of three making a game for the preggo game jam. The game is about Bright Mac and Buttercup (Pear Butter). We would greatly appreciate anyone who could make 5-6 CGs of a progressivly more pregnant Buttercup. (Buttercup does need to be a pony.)

 Picture ideas:

  Buttercup sitting in a rocking chair on the porch of her house rubbing her little belly. Bright Mac standing beside her.

  Buttecup laying on her side in the grass. Bright Mac has his hooves around her. Their rock could by in the backround.

  Facing toward Buttercup standing at her feet from a low angle. Buttercup is on her back stretching her legs. Her face is poking up over her big belly. Lake nearby.

  This is a fetish jam and a fetish game so the pictures must also be steamy. I know we are asking for a lot. I hope you will join us. There are people who are excited fot this game and we want to make it as grand as possible for them.

  Thank you and have a wonderful day. <3

Link to the game's dischord server. (Please do not join unless you intend to help with the development of the game.)

Update: We are currently a team of three. We do still need an artist. The game is being made in godot. If you are familiar with godot or are an artist we will gladly welcome you to the team. There is still plenty to do.

Thank you. That means a lot to me. We are making the best game we can. I hope you enjoy it. For preggers!

Absolutely. I will contact you after the preggo jam ends and we can find another jam to join.

I am putting together a team for the preggo game jam. If you want to talk with cool people let me know. Do read the jam's community page. The details for the game are on there.

I found a third person. I do wish we had more, but we don't have forever. Lets do our best.

I made a Dischord server for us.

Thank you. <3

 I made a Dischord server. I am sending the link to our third member. We will make this game.

Hello. I would love to work with you. I am putting together a team for the preggo game jam. Is that something you would be interested in?

Hey. I don't know if you would be intersted in making a game for the preggo game jam, but I am putting together a team for it. Could you make a game like Crazy Castle?