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A member registered Feb 21, 2019 · View creator page →

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Thx! :D

"SCV perso..."

instant thoughts about Starcraft :D

The game is polished and fun, good atmoshpere, music and engaging gameplay, good job!

Great game!

Great submission!

Great submission!

The graphics and view of the city is really nice :D looks polished

Didn't expect a farming sim! The hand drawn art and gameplay, music was nice!

I liked how event owning tomatoes is a gray area - or how even knowing what's a tiger is not common :D

Thanks! Never tried to make an RTS - or any strategy - game before so it was challenging but definetely fun :D

Even burned myself out a bit since this is like my 3rd jam in a row with almost no gaps.


Ye performance wise there are some issues...I think a non-html build would have been better.

Also looked up Dark Reign and now I wanna try it :D


Yea, it's a really good online DAW for retro / pixelart games :D

Thanks! I'll try to fix the problem later but I cannot update it during the voting period.

Thanks! I'll look at the problem asap.

Not sure if I can update during the voting period tho

Thanks for playing

The pathfinding itself is unoptimized but it doesn't affect the units, just the buildings. Godot 4 tilemap navigation is very restricted so i had to built upon it with some scripting.

Not sure why are the soldiers lagging tho, I'll look at it, thanks!

The energy management was a bit tricky since I added the twist so all units consume energy just as well the buildings and since the value is returned always freshly calculated, that might affect it.

Great game!

The art is beautiful, music is nice, the gameplay is good but challenging, very challenging. Felt like the crystals could give a bit more energy.


Good job! Finished some targets. The gameplay loop is engaging, the music is fitting for the genre.

When a level is loaded the game tends to lag or freeze for a short while but it goes away after that.


Never have tried to make an RTS before or something similar so the game lacks content heavily :D

It was a really good learning experience tho.

Artistically this is the best one from the jam I've played so far. Feels and looks really good. The opening scene struck me as a lighting bolt - in a positive sense.

The sounds are great too! The absence of music adds to the atmoshpere and sense of exploration in this case.

I encountered one bug: after respawning i got totally stuck and could not move

As a fellow Godot 4 dev, I think you could move the respawn coordinates a bit higher. I usually use a Marker2D for some stuff like this since it looks great and indicative in the editor because it looks like a crosshair and easy to move around.

For a first attempt this is really good! Keep it up :)

Nice game. The gameplay overall felt really challenging - would even say difficult.

I think either the energy could run out slower or the ship could be turn around by following the cursor.

Glued me to the screen for a bit :D

Follows a simple yet good recipe for a fun game.

I liked the upgrades - especially the projectile duplication - and gameplay, the tutorial was nice. The music for me only played once, then never looped. I'm not sure if it's intentional or not, the constant silence (not counting the sound effects) was a bat strange.

Overally really nice work :D

Thanks! This was made in (a bit less than) a day so you're correct :D


Thanks! That sounds hilarious :D

Thanks you :)

I certainly want to make full game(s) sooner or later.  Seeing there are full games that grew out of jam submissions, this sounds encouraging.

I like mining in games so that part of the gameplay was very appealing to me :D

Simple but good gameplay and good upgrades.

My only complaint is that the game tends to unrecoverably freeze when I enter the mine.

Graphics are really cool and nice music. Has some great megaman vibes.

The fight felt a bit unoptimized since dodging enemies and using only charged attacks - rendering normal attacks inefficient made the gameplay a bit limited.

I read in other comment you mentioned you wanted to include upgrades for the scores. That could balance it out. Keep it up!


I tried to limit myself to the colour palette I chose as much as possible


Tried to send DM but there is no function for that on

I ran into an issue.

When I try to run the game, the graphics are glitchy

According to github this error message might be "false positive" so I'm not sure it's the problem here:

Thanks! Feels always great when someone likes the music I'm composing for my games :D 




The limited colour palette tricked me in that regard too :D

I was thinking about maybe adding a highlight to the player or at least some starting indication - maybe a highight at the first few secs

Thanks! :)

Thanks! :)

(1 edit)

Hey, tThanks! It's really great to hear :)

I'm tinking about adding more levels, even not ice related ones, maybe some extra features.

My games usually don't "grow" beyond the jams - and my non-jam games were either small like a jam game or unfinished - but making something bigger is something I would like to do eventually.

I don't really use IG, usually post my games on twitter and for posting art/music I use deviantart, soundcloud, yt.

Great concept

Could be an actual minigame in something bigger :D

The controls felt a bit strange

Nice game. The visuals are stunning :O

The game is fun, good job!

Visuals are excellent, dig the style. At first it was a bit confusing what I'm supposed to do but I figured out it quickly.

I liked the music.

The control scheme is is a bit strange, the - i think - third level was too hard for me, couldn't get 600 points.

Nice, short game! I liked that there was even a boss fight at the end.