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A member registered Dec 06, 2020 · View creator page →

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Thanks! Warp’s Maze is super unfinished. I would love to come back to it some day. BTW - If you are interested in retro games and game jams - check out the 32BitJam series. It a series of game jams with a focus on retro-styled games.

Mark you calendars. June 29th - 32BitJam Team building event. Join our discord and meet new people, team up and hang out. I will be online the entire day, starting at 10 am EST and ending at 10 pm EST.

Join our discord here:

“Unveiling the 32Bit Eclipse Jam: A Celebration of Gaming Nostalgia”

Thanks to GuruGameGuides for writing this amazing article about the 32BitJam! Please take a few minutes to read it.

Nice work! You can also look for teams in our discord:

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Congrats on winning the 32Bit Spring Cleaning game jam!

I managed to place on some of the time trial leader boards.

Nice work!!!

Congrats on winning 2nd place! Please join our discord if you want to claim a prize :

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Congrats on placing 3rd for the 32BitJam!

Here is my complete playthrough:

DM me (DevEarley) on discord to claim your prizes!

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Congrats on winning 2nd place on the 32BitJam!

I did a full play through here:

Please join our discord to claim your prize if you would like!

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Full play through here:

OK - thank you for the tip. Going to try another run today =D

no I have not, where is the shrimp?

This game is much deeper than I expected! I like the characters. I can’t figure out how to help the computer. I am missing one document.

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My play-through:

Nice work!

nice work!

Join our discord for more info on upcoming events, get feedback on your game or just come to hang out! You must be apart of the discord community to be eligible to win any prizes.

Invite Link:

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There is a new PRIZE TIER! Coolness is a secret attribute that is attached to every submission in itchio jams. You can see it if you inspect the JSON. So, I am going to use that as part of the criteria for this new prize tier. Coolness is calculated by how many submissions you have rated and commented on! You get points up to 3 extra “coolness” points for doing the following: writing a devlog, sharing our jam on social media and you can get points for making a video about other submissions.


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How are games ranked? Games are ranked by how much the improved. Participants must provide an old version of their project. Voters will compare the new and old versions and give a 1 to 5 rating on how much your game improved. Voters may also vote on secondary criteria: Graphics, Audio, 90s, Fun. These secondary criteria aren't used for the overall ranking.

Who can vote on submissions? Their are a two types of voters in this jam, Participants and Judges. Judges are not participants, but can vote just the same. Judges are usually streamers or volunteers. (Ask DevEarley if you wish to be a Judge). A participant is someone who submitted a game or worked on a submission.

What is the "Old Version"? The old version is the version of your submission as of Feb 6th, the day the jam starts. It can be older than that.

How do I show my submission's improvements? You have a number of options. When you submit your game, you will be asked a few questions about the old version. You can provide a link to a video or you can describe how to play the old version. You will be asked:
Is there an old version of this game? (made before or on Feb 6th, 2024)
Is the old version playable? Can you download it from the submission page?
If not, how should people experience the old version of your game?
Link to a video of your old game. (OPTIONAL)

Where can I host the old version of the submission? Participants may upload an old version of their game to same itchio page as their submission. They should mark the folders as "OLD VERSION" and "NEW VERSION" to be clear to voters. Participants can upload two zips or put both versions in the same zip.

What if I am starting from scratch? I do not have an old version. This is ok. Simply mention that somewhere on your submission page. Voters will be judging your submission based on it's improvement, from nothing.

Can I submit a video of the old version? Yes, as long as voters can get a good sense of the old version so they can make an informed decision.

Can I submit screenshots of the old version? If you must. A playable version or a video would be preferred.

What will I be asked when I submit? Is there an old version of this game? (made before or on Feb 6th, 2024)
Is the old version playable? Can you download it from the submission page?
If not, how should people experience the old version of your game?
Link to a video of your old game. (OPTIONAL)
Did you, or anyone on your team, use AI to generate any aspect of this game?
Did you work on this solo or as a team? What was your team size?
(OPTIONAL) Who worked on this game besides you?
(OPTIONAL) What tools did you (and your team) use to build your submission?
(OPTIONAL) Any suggestions for the organizers of this jam?

Games in this jam are ranked on how 90’s they feel. Think low res, limited colors & pixel-y graphics. Hypnospace Outlaw and Windows NT I think fit that aesthetic.

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Join our Discord!

The game you submit before the jam can be in whatever state. You can share the executable or you can share a video.

UPDATE: This is NOT winner takes all. 1st place gets to pick a title from the 1st place tier. 2nd picks from 2nd place tier. 3rd from 3rd. 1st will pick a prize from 1st place tier of prizes. 2nd will pick from 2nd tier, 3rd from 3rd. Prizes that are picked will be replaced with new titles.

Doing this because prize pool isn’t bottomless and we have a bunch of game jams coming up. Sorry about this change, it is a little disappointing. I hope you understand. I will update the Jam page as well.

I like the concept! Nice work. Graphics are really nice, who did the art?

Feedback: Without instructions, I am not sure what is going on. Even if it is unfinished, take some time to write out an explanation of what we are seeing.

Ideas: I think it would be cool to see the mines grow underground as your workers dig deeper. Another idea, certain folks will come to you with a problem for you to quickly solve. Simple as “Should I plant corn or tend to the mines?”

Reelzy community · Created a new topic Issues

Post any issues here please!

2D games are allowed, but this jam is more focused on the consoles of the 32 bit era. Perhaps you could make the graphics more detailed or make a lowpoly Nokia…

Yes you can (rule 1). Please give credit to the template creators or just link the template in the description of your entry.


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  1. Does using GitHub Copilot count as AI-generated work?

Yes. Copilot or any AI generation is not allowed. Because Copilot is still using code and resources that had licenses that did not authorize the use of their work without attribution.

  1. If I’m not using an established game engine, can I start writing generic code for low-level features before the jam?

You may. You can bring anything with you into this jam as long as you have the right to use the asset. This includes code. Please refrain from working on the actual gameplay till the jam starts.

I recommend you try to add some kind of controller support. But mouse and keyboard support is totally fine too.

Join the discord and post in the #Team-Up channel > >

The “32 Bit Style” is a style of making games that look, sound, and feel like they were made during the 32Bit era of consoles in the 1990s. This guide outlines what was possible on these consoles and it has some suggestions on how to make your game best fit this style.

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Thanks for checking it out! We have a KS coming soon. If it gets funded, we will be in touch~ We will need as many good artists as we can find!

I purchased this asset for use in a card game. It is called Colosseum Nirvana. Love your work!

Standalone version will be apart of the next version. I will try to find some time to get that update out soon.

QAPs have reported some exploits we need to address. We have more mechas in development and will need testing. Work on the testing chamber is going on as well. We will begin multi-QAP testing soon. It will require an internet connection.

Solid controls, tight gameplay loop, nice visuals and really solid audio. Amazing job!