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W.H. Arthur

A member registered Aug 31, 2018 · View creator page →

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Thank you for telling people about the game! :)

Thanks! :)

Josefin Sans is a cool font.

Thanks for the kind comment! I'm glad your group loved it. :)

Amazing! Will check that out! :D

Thanks! I have plans for updating quite a few of my older games, but often end up getting distracted by new ideas.

Extended the deadline until Sunday

That's awesome, congrats!!!

It's fine. 👌🏼

Rule 1 of the jam is as follow:

  1. Write an analogue role-playing game (such as TTRPG or LARP) in 24 words.
    1. Analogue games are games with human facing instructions, contrasting video games with code executed by a computer.
    2. The rules/mechanics need to be in 24 words, but the game may have a separate title and introduction.
    3. It should be a standalone game, without the need for other game texts.

Most people are submitting their games in PDF, PNG and/or .TXT files.

(1 edit)

Congratulations! That's an amazing game! The art is gorgeous!

My advise would be to upload the longer version after the jam period, but I won't disqualify your entry as long as there is a document with the 24-word mechanics.

Thanks for the comment! :)

Thank you! 

If I do get it printed, the cover would be on the other side.

I might write up some quick characters and scenario after the jam is over.

I am fine if it is a site that finds you random words from a dictionary (and maybe put the link in hypertext for the purpose of word count?), but it is against the rules if it is generating specific words, since other participants are factoring dice tables into their word count.

It is fine! Go ahead!

It is really about following the spirit of the rules rather than the letter.

I would upload extra content after the jam period.

If you really can't wait, I would advise uploading the character sheet as a separate file.

Go ahead!

There is nothing stopping you from updating a game on itchio.

The only deadline is the one at the end of the month.

An amazing game! I love how the game captures the pain of conforming and the liberation that comes with transgressing!

I would say no, unless the use of such word is common.

I did realise that most word counters treat hyphenated words as a single word, and some regular phrases are spelt with hyphens by people.

Well done and congratulations! 🎉

A great collection of games! <3

For lots of small indie TTRPGs, I think just a cover art would greatly complement the game and help grab people's attention.

I'm sure people would be interested in collaborating once January starts.

Thanks for offering! I think it's a great idea to incorporate music into TTRPGs.

Correct me if I am wrong, but it seems that in UK and most countries, works don't enter the public domain until 70 years after the author's death.

One 1928 work that caught my eye is The Masqueraders by Georgette Heyer, who passed away in 1974.

For authors who published their work in their 20s and 30s and live into their 70s and 80s, their work published in 1928 still wouldn't enter the public domain internationally.

I guess I can still make a game inspired by The Masqueraders, but it won't be legal for me to use its contents.

Thanks for reading my poem!

It's a short poem and you've reached the end.

Nope. Just the community here.

As someone who's on way too many Discord servers, I find it hard to keep track of them already, let alone creating one just for a game jam.

Thanks! Will check them out on the 1st.

I had a look at the list of 1928 literature on Wikipedia, but I failed to Google the actual texts.

Are there good database for public domain works?

That's great to hear!

Was thinking of doing a poem, and then had the idea of making it an interactive one, despite breaking the rules I wrote. XD

That's a great idea! I keep starting "small" projects that gets bigger and bigger and spiral out of control. A collection of 24-word games is a really good framework!

Only just saw this post. It's a really cool game! Love how you managed to incorporate both a coin and a die in the mechanics. The layout and the colour contrast are wonderful!

Thank you! :)

Thanks for the comment!

I have plans to write some scenarios with NPCs in them.

I have thought about factions with different political goals, but I don't think I want to go fully FitD for them. (I took bits and pieces of Blades in the Dark, but the game is still more PbtA than FitD.)

Thanks for your interest!

I kept getting distracted by new projects, but Taels overhaul is indeed something I want to finish for a long time.

I have made a lot of notes on the lore of the game, but never got to write them down in a coherent way. I have also got some new character art commissioned and they are sitting in the project folder.

My plan is to expand the lore of the game without changing too much of the core mechanics, and crowdfund for a print run.

(Perhaps I can write the lore in small chunks as devlogs.)

That's amazing, thanks!

I have done a draft of my game, but I am currently waiting for someone to look at it for sensitivity purpose. It is a deeply personal game about my exploration of identity. One of the main themes of my game is about how one's identity is a continuous struggle between one's internal truth and the imposed social norms. The theme does say something about identities in general, and I also have imposter syndrome with regards to my own identity. Therefore, I am not quite ready to upload it yet.

Thanks! :)

Thank you! You might have forgotten to strip the music from the file? (It's totally not a problem at all.)

I love the art of the game. The museum floating in the void looks so cool! I really love the floor tiles too! The descriptions of some of the artwork are unsettling, reminding me of Lovecraftian horror.

Thank you! The game jam theme gave me the idea to include a museum in the game.