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yeah I would have 100% incorporated the prereq if it would have been possible with the kind of game I wanted to try to create (a platform with WASD controls lol). I’m glad you enjoyed. I plan on adding a unique twist to the game so it’s not just your average platformer but I wanted to make sure I had a good base down first

Thanks, I'm glad you enjoyed! yeah, for the red level I should have remove the vertical layer of the spikes and just kept the horizontal spikes (although if I make a full game, I may be able to easy the player into that kind of challenge). I think something call cinema machine would have helped me there because I believe it lets you move the camera around easier which would let me move the camera down more which would give the top half the screen more use in that situation. I'll be sure to add a slowdown for a wall touch especially just to help players line up hard wall jumps in harder levels

Thanks for playing! (also if you are a dev ill share a thing I learn for making platformers feel better and its that it decreases your upward speed when you release the space bar base on how short you held it which lets you have really short jumps).  I'm glad you enjoyed! (sorry there was no save feature/level select for coming back to finish it I ran outa time before I could make one)

yeah I couldn’t use the prerequisite since I was going for testing out my platformer controller. Glad you enjoyed 

I’ve submitted my game I hope you all enjoy! Please give me any feedback you may have. (Also the game does not only use mouse input because I am using this game jam to test some mechanics for a full release game)

I have submitted as well! I hope you enjoy

fun game I enjoyed it. I would say something easy to make it a lot more fun would be to zoom the camera out so you know where you are going. also some way to see when the turrets shoot/make their projectiles would also make it a bit more fair to the player.

hey, I mean making something not so interesting is always better than nothing at all lol. I've def made games I'm not proud of just to hit the deadline. As my game is just a platformer test, I can't even try to win as I can't really follow the mouse input only category anyways lol

nice I’m looking forward to seeing your project aswell!

thanks so much! I hope you enjoy my game for this jam aswell! If ur participating too I can’t wait to see what you make!

Thanks for the feedback! The audio on my system is never very reliable to its always been a bit of an issue trying to balance it right so ill be sure to boost it up significantly for future projects!

I’m going to be using this game jam to learn how to make the best platformer controller I can for a steam game I would like to make over the summer! Please let me know if you have any tips on making good platformer controller or give me feedback once the project is submitted! (I’m not an artist so the art will be minimal). Thanks! I look forward to seeing your projects 

thanks glad you enjoyed! Thanks for hosting the jam aswell! 

Yup there was and it was actually meant to be one of the main forms of combat as it would let you get in close for extra healing lol. I'll definitely need to learn how to show more of that info in game for future jams!

thanks glad you enjoyed!

yeah that’s a great idea! If I were to remake the game I’d probably make it some kind of top down Metroid vania with that kinda upgrades

Thanks! I'm glad you enjoyed!

thanks I'm glad you liked! I tried to do a simpler art style with this game!

thanks for the feedback!

good to know! If I had more time I would have added more shield mechanics to teach the player to use the sword for them earlier in the game! Also I probably should have made them turn slower so you could circle them to let the player still use the gun!

yeah i wanted to push people towards a fast play style! thanks for the feedback! (i’m just realizing i should have done something like that on the bosses lol)

wow thanks so much having video play testing will be super useful! Good luck in your YouTube journey! I hope the yellow enemies weren’t too confusing I should have probably made it more clear that the sword bypasses the shield! Also I saw from the video that the first boss seemed a bit too hard I’ll be sure to keep that in mind going forward!

ok thanks for the feedback! 

that’s fair with only 4 days I wasn’t able to make it very long or super polished. If I could ask about how long did it take you to complete? Also do you have a favorite and least favorite part of the game?

I just submitted my game I wish I could have worked on it for longer but thats exams for you! I hope you all enjoy it! I tried something very different with the art style this time (compared to my old games) so let me know how you like it!

to be fair AI is honestly very cyberpunk lol

Thanks I’m glad you enjoyed!

I’m glad you liked it! Thanks for the feedback! I’m always trying to make cooler ending sequences!

really? I always thought the green ones were too good mainly because of the spores lol

yeah i had trouble with balancing as how i build the game everting is way too exponential so that the enemies and easily overpower you if i made it a little harder but by making it that bit easier it makes it a little hard to lose lol. What do you mean by sounds simple? should the sound effects have been better? (ik the art isn’t very good but hey every game it'll get better lol)

fun game i really like the concept!

super fun! could you some polish but for a 3 day game its good

i think they didn’t really follow the limitation because they submitted this game to like 4 game jams lol

was fun! i wish there was a web version though (its super easy to add through unity)

fun idea but the mass of tutorial screens at the beginning was way too much there was no way i could remember that all (or at least not easy enough for me to want to remember)

thanks for playing! yeah i wish i had more time to add more types of card beyond just tower cards so that the player could hold onto attack cards to use when they are in a tough spot (or something of that sort lol)

pretty fun but a bit hard to control also i’m not sure if i won or lost or if i had lives or what was going on because there was nothing on the itch page to give context

fun game but the walls still had friction so you could just hover by touching them lol.  also the jump felt hard to control

pretty fun its seems very difficult to dodge the mushrooms though (idk if i was missing a control though because there was nothing on the games page about what i’m supposed to be doing)