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AngeloDev (ツ)

A member registered Apr 07, 2023 · View creator page →

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Yooo this is awesome :) I really wanna buy it but me is broke :( I will try to save up to buy it tho :D

Ty :D

The css effects? They were easy to make acutely ,I got access to the custom css you learn more here: ,second ,to recreate those smooth animation ,right click then click inspect element ,get the class of the element you want to animate ,ask chatgpt ,then your done :D that’s how I did it! You can watch some tutorials in YouTube about css!

isn't weird that were just commenting on each other work and we can just be talking on discord instead of creating 100 comments .-. xd

You can do anything with the asset ,change it ,modify it ,make it an NFT ,use it as nsf- .You don't have to include me in the credits XD

This game is so fun! Tbh you should've won the game jam XD I like the idea + the art and the music.

Thanks! But not recommended to use for your game xd Because the animation is shit :( If you use it just send me the link to the game :D

Wooo this game is so cool ,you are so cool :D you inspired me to make intense games :)

Oh yeah that bug... XD Never had time to fix it ,its not acctuly a bug you can get out of the loop by dashing (i think..). Anyway thanks for your feedback really appreciate it!

Of course :D and I will name the character "Vlosyros".

Cool knight ,I'm definitely gonna use it for my games :D

Saharul community · Created a new topic Cool demo! :D

I like the demo its so cool :D ,I didn't like the controls on the pc ,I would like to have key binding in the future ,I like the atmosphere and the attack ,the boss was too hard because i didn't know how to heal xd ,it reminds me of hollow knight ,I hope you finish the game soon.

Good luck!

Thanks :D ,I've made the animations on my page using custom css ,read here for more infirmation:!! hope that helps :)

*Clap* *Clap* *Clap* .This game is the best 2D multiplayer game I've played in a lifetime ,I hope you make more games like this one :D

Thanks! i really appreciate your feed back ,I'm really glad you liked it! ^-^

Really? i was just buying random stuff XD 

This is game is the best game tower game i've played in a whiiile ,i like it soo much that i played it for 1-1.5 hours ,the only thing that i kept losing xd bc i suck at tower game but this is game was super fun.

This game is fun ,but it gets boring when the enemies are the same and you just keep killing them ,I would've liked if there was space Because you can just teleport between the walls and never die, other than that your game is perfect.

I've added that feature last second XD 

Thanks ,I really like the mechanics in tomb of the mask so i tried legally copying it to my game ,i wanted to make the death scene and the dialogue skippable but i didn't have time ,i will fix those problems when the jam finishes. 

Thanks , I was playing tomb of the mask at the time and i just thought maybe i could cop- I mean "get inspired" by its mechanic.

Yeah it was “inspired” by tomb of the mask XD thanks.

Thanks ,I really appreciate that , I was gonna add a game loop and a story to the game to keep the player engaged but the time was ticking.

Thanks you so much ,i really appreciate it.

Thanks ,this is my first time uploading a game to a jam ,So thanks for the feedback I really appreciate it.

Thanks i really appreciate that.

Do you mean when i was exporting the game into Html? ,Yeah i had some problems with Godot 4.1 ,but when i updated it to 4.2 it fixed the export problems.

The game doesn't run :(

(1 edit)

How can you lift the rock

Edit: Oh i understand ,this game is cool XD cool concept so origina;

Im really glad you liked it ,Thanks you!

Its a fun game ,but the cards faded away so fast ,i had to use all my memory XD ,but its so fun and simple.

Thanks ,This is my first time uploading my game to a game jam.

Beautiful  Amazing ,i love this game so much ,I played all because its so addictive ,but i don't know if it fits the Theme of the jam.

Bro the mechanics are so responsive ,this game is sooo adictive and simple ,i like it so much.

I don't get it? I got stuck on the first obstacles ,i didn't know to jump over that rock.

Its super fun and addictive ,its the kind of game you play when the powers off and you don't have internet!

its a cool game ,the gravity was to high ,or im just bad at platformers XD

Its really good ,the lightning the Sound effects and the story ,Keep it up!

This game is good ,i like it so much and so much addicting too ,I hope you make more!