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A member registered Feb 06, 2024 · View creator page →

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Sounds good! Whats your discord?

Hi there, I participated in a few jams before. Right now I would love to try this one as well.

Hey guys! I am a passionate writer looking for a team to make an amazing game. I participated in a few jams before.

Lets make something great :D

Hi there! I have participated in a few jams already and I cannot wait to get into this one as well :D lets have some fun creating an amazing game!

hey! Are you still searching for a team? we could use a composer. If you are interested DM me on discord: alpha9797

sure, whats your discord?

whats your discord? 

Unfortunately  not anymore.

alright whats your discord? 

Hi, I'm a game writer looking for a team to make good looking crusty game.

Hi, I'm a game writer looking for a team to make a badass game. I've worked on a few jams before, but I'm still relatively new to this. 

I'm a passionate game writer looking for a team. I worked on a few game jams before and can't wait to work on this one.

yeah I did


I had fun playing it. nice work.

Awesome atmosphere, sound effects, and lighting. Really good job.




The art style and music are very nice. I had an issue with the levers since whenever I walked around I hit them, but other than that, good job.


I am a big fan of the graphics. It looks really good. One thing that bugged me was the floating items when I looked down, I didn't have time to finish it since I'm trying to play other games as well, but I will definitely give it another go later.

There you go

Nice escape room. Great graphics, and puzzles as well. One thing that was missing were some sound effects like opening doors and footsteps. But good job


Nice idea. Point and click movement was a nice idea, but sometimes it didn't work that well. nice graphics and music, maybe more variety would be nice.

Its done

Simple design, but nice game. I hate jump scares, you really did a good job with them. The only thing I would fix is the movement since sometimes it was hard to move. 


I really enjoyed your game. In the beginning, even after reading the tutorial, I wasn't sure where to go or what to do, but I figured it out. I thought the symbol on the doors that showed up was where I was supposed to go. Maybe if you could see from which door you picked up the item would would be better. However, I noticed, that whenever you become invisible, you will stay invisible even after the effect disappears and it carries on to other levels as well. The teleporting was sometimes annoying, especially when I teleported right to a group of enemies when they were charging their attacks. Maybe some design changes on later levels would be nice to make it more interesting. Money could have more uses as well. Another thing, I noticed when I went to the main menu and wanted to start the game over it put me in a level that was higher than the one I was in originally. I wanted to read the tutorial, but to do that I had to restart the whole game.

I got to level 7, but when I was near the edge and enemies attacked me, I fell over the edge and couldn't do anything. I went to the menu but when I started the game again, the level counter went crazy, and my character wasn't in the room. After that in the menu there wasn't any music and when I tried the game again It was completely black so I had to close the whole game.

But overall very nice game.

(1 edit)

I rated and commented it :D Fun game

Awesome game, it was a lot of fun. The level 3 song was amazing. great job!

The jam is almost over. It was my first jam ever so its really special. Let's help each other out by exchanging ratings. Here is our game:

Post your games here and I will try to rate them all.

Thx for your help everyone.

I will try and rate your game as soon as I can. Can you rate our game too ?:

I will try and rate your game as soon as I can. Can you rate our game too ?:

I will try and rate your game as soon as I can. Can you rate our game too ?:

I will try and rate your game as soon as I can. Can you rate our game too ?:

I will try and rate your game as soon as I can. Can you rate our game too ?:

I will try and rate your game as soon as I can. Can you rate our game too ?:

I will try and rate your game as soon as I get home. Here is ours: