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A member registered Jun 09, 2020 · View creator page →

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I have a hint for you, don't tell anyone. We're safe because this is 6 comments deep.

All of the levels can be solved with no more than 3 clicks each.

I think there's a glitch that can cause very rare crashes on the web if sounds are replayed very quickly. I'll take a look into it, there may be a fix available And thanks for letting me know. I owe you a $, next time I see you.

Uh oh, you break it, you bought it 🤷

😂 Thanks Ninus

Sublime! A tiny but very nicely polished Nokia game!

Thanks lyniat! I'm glad you managed to finish it. 30 mins is a fast time - based on feedback, the median time to complete is about an hour.

Thanks a lot!

Thanks a lot Krasimir!

Thanks a lot Kirill!

Really good fun! The controls feel great to me and I had a lot of fun playing. I'm going back in to play some more now.

Thanks! Really happy you liked it!

Loving the visual design - really nice job. The world of the game has a great feeling and makes me want to spend more time there - so that's what I'm going to do! Looking forward to going deeper into the game.

Thank you so much! I'm going to have this comment printed out and framed :D

Thanks a lot! I hope you get to finish playing some day 💪

Nice! I'm one of the people who organise the 20 Second Game Jam and it's great to see a 20-second game being developed and pushed further. All the elements of this game fit together very nicely. The gameplay is simple (as any 20-second experience should be) with a fun theme, good art style and lively music that keeps the energy up. Good work!

Thanks so much! I’m very happy you liked it. 

Not at all, Very happy to be part of such a fine collection!

Congratulations! You found the Death Potato ending. 

Ah, that is the same in the downloadable version. This game was made for a game jam where the games can’t be longer than 20 Seconds. I may come back to it one day and make a longer version. 

(1 edit)

Thanks Flyzy. What problem did you have with the online version?

There was an issue with occasional crashes on the web version that seemed to be caused by firing off too many audio calls too quickly. The latest update addresses that, but your report came in after I uploaded the changes. If you loaded the game up before the change, it's possible some caching could have kept the old version around for you? I recommend anyone reading to play the downloadable version as it performs better than the web version and the audio issue does not exist there.

congratulations! I knew you could do it

Thanks for letting me know. Any particular level?

Thanks to you for playing!

Bravo! It makes me happy to hear when people win it 🏆 

What still??? Better not try the new game Too Hard then!

Thanks a lot! 

Wonderful! Congratulations on finishing the game 🏆

It is fun trying to see who spotted that they were playing a puzzle game and not an action game. I love seeing people figure it out and for anyone who didn't recognise the clues, that's totally on me because I didn't want it to be too easy :D

Thanks so much Achie! I sympathise with the RSI as I struggle with it too. The best advice I can give in this case is this: try taking a different approach or trying something unexpected 😉

Thanks a lot!




Thanks. I'll keep an eye on this. My suspicion is on the audio.

You could try clicking on things

Hey! Thanks for the bug report! Someone else had a crash in that level so they might be related. Which browser/OS are you using? (For anyone reading this, I would recommend playing the downloadable version for general performance improvement).

Small hint: the title is objectively true. This game is literally impossible (unless you think laterally).

Thanks Mkgeek!