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A member registered Jun 04, 2023 · View creator page →

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Sorry am still working on the html5 resolution program also to start the game press space

Thanks for the feedback I'll take into consideration.

the game has a nice art style, the controls wasn't working quite right for me also it seem a little strange to shoot with left clicking  if you can't aim also the movement would probably flow better of you use the down key for going down the ladders, over all I believe it's can be a great game.

I like the artwork of the game, it would be nice if you could save your coin for later. The fighting  seem a little too easy also the monster duplicate when you leave their areas they can also leave the areas making it impossible to see were they are.

Thank you i found your feedback useful, I'll take it into consideration.

is there a problem with the screen size? 

As the title said I put up a demo. its still in early development so feed back would be appreciated

Sorry for the late reply. How many tracks?

Am looking for a music designer, I already have a base project and idea of the game.

Also I could use background designer if anyone is interested.

do you have somewhere we can discuss this farther.

can you make song in a style like kirby  but  with  a more quieter and lonelier feeling?

what type of songs can you make?

(2 edits)

I'm a gamemaker 2 programmer and pixel artist look for a music composer.

here a glimpse of what I working on