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A place for questions. Sticky

A topic by fos1 created 54 days ago Views: 144 Replies: 12
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Host (1 edit)

Feel free to ask question about ParserComp 2024 here. You can either start a new thread or add to this one.

Thanks, fos1

Just to be clear: can we enter a game we started working on before the submission period started?


Absolutely. Any game that has not yet been published is qualified to enter.

Is there a theme or is it a free-for-all ?


There is no theme. It is based on what the reviewers think is the best game.


I tried to submit something, but after checking only the Classic box, it said I couldn't submit unless I also checked the Freestyle box. So I submitted with both boxes checked. Is that intentional?

Also, we're allowed to have our game be pushed and publicly available during the submission period, right? I see submissions can't be viewed until the submission period ends, so I wasn't sure. If the answer is no, I'd have to keep it in draft or restricted mode and remember to change it to public after submission ends.

Host (2 edits) (+1)

Hi Kanderwund,

The Classic / Freestyle selection problem must be a bug. :( 

I will see about fixing that this morning. 

I believe the bug is now fixed. Please edit your game submission to ensure it is listed in the proper category. You may have to delete and re-submit the game. Please let me know how it goes. (Thank you!)

You are correct the submitted games cannot be viewed until the judging period begins.

Thank you for letting me know about the bug. And thank you for your game submission!



Hey, can I submit a game, then request beta testers? My game story is pretty much there but may change a bit with early feedback.


Yes. Beta testing is fine. The game cannot be published or available to the general public before the start of judging.

I tried joining the ParserComp Discord server from the link but it says "NO TEXT CHANNELS. You find yourself in a strange place. You don't have any access to text channels or there are none on this server".

Once my game is ready should I upload it to my itch account but not make it public, and then submit to the comp?

Host (1 edit)

Hi WauloK,

Yes. That would be the proper thing to do. 

I'm looking forward to your game.

I'll check the Discord server and see if I can figure out what's going on there.

Thanks, Jeff

PS. I changed permissions on the Discord server. Let me know if it is working as it should.

Submitted (1 edit)

Hi fos1, I tried to enter now in the discord channel linked in the jam page and I get the same error “no text channels”. Can it be the link?

I think the problem is in the link because I found the link in the ParserComp 2023 and it works!✨



Thank you for the tip. I will go back and copy that linke.
