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Any tips for short jams?

A topic by Aries_Drakon created 51 days ago Views: 148 Replies: 6
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i just finished my project for fishfest a week long game jam now i’m looking to join a short jam for my second jam so i was wondering if y’all have any tips for doing a shorter jam vs as longer one?


I just finished up Fishfest too! My first ever jam was a 72 hour jam. My first team was pretty small (like less that 6 people) and we ended up making an awesome game. 

My advice for you would be to make sure you keep everything organized, keep your idea sweet and simple, and have some sort of checklist for everyone in your team. A big thing I've noticed when doing these jams is that sometimes teams lack proper communication with each other- mainly due to being in different time zones. Whether you are the leader in your team or not, make suggestions to whoever is about adding specific channels to a Discord server (if you're using that for communication) and/or use websites like Trello to track the progress of your game. Make sure to post updates on your work and be honest about meeting deadlines.

These are just a few of many tips out there. Also, make sure to get plenty of rest and food; you can't work well if you don't get your sleep or have food in your stomach! If you have other questions or concerns, feel free to ask! Have fun ^_^


thanks for the tips! I’m planning on going in without a team though so we will see how it goes lol


Ah, my apologies for assuming! Well, these tips are still super helpful for managing yourself lol >3< Good luck!!


nah it’s fine it’s prob a fair assumption that most people have teams lol. Good luck to you too!!

Submitted (1 edit) (+1)

Also, get your idea done quickly. (mostly quickly, don't rush or sweat it) For me, I've been unable to submit to several jams because I took so long to handcraft the perfect idea that I couldn't finish the game    :(   Remember that you can ruin a great idea with a bad game, but you can use a great game to help an underdeveloped idea.


yeah I was planning on spending like 30 min max on the brainstorming lol