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(1 edit)

"but then typo’d again and forgot the .png at the end in the code." Bummer. At least you know how to fix it. Hope it get done soon.

"She doesn’t have large breasts in that alt, it’s purposefully framed so we wouldn’t have to show them." Yeah, that was my guess too. Just wanted to be sure.

"The discord link doesn’t work for you because you are using an iphone to try an access it I’m guessing" I am using a desktop, actually (Windows 10, Firefox). I have looked and have allowed adult content on my Discord account, butt's telling there currently exist no chatroom with that name when I click on the link provided in your post.

Thanks for the answers.

Well, when I click it works for me, so I’m not sure - usually if that happens it’s because your discord is protecting you from an adult server somehow. is our servers custom invite link, if that doesn’t work it’s almost certainly on your end.

You must have an email attached to your account to join the server too, if you’re just set to be completely anonymous with no email it won’t let you join.

Well, apparently, accepting the invite to your server and waiting a little is what allowed the link to actually works. Thanks. I'll wait til the game get updated to actually see it as intended, though.