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(4 edits)

-I am still receiving the "Image 'scenes/Scene5G_FinalEmbrace_3b' not found." error message on my Steam version of the game  for the large breast version of the breast adventures mode of the Paris route for Grace.

-I also think the game doesn't even try to to call the large breast version of the image of Grace's Departure in the scene soon after where she swim alongside Malcolm, but it might be intentional that there is no alternate pic to begin with. Not sure.

(Still using the steam version of the game since the beginning, but on steam, I have a SFW handle, while on, I use my NSFW one, so I am communicating about the game here, I hope this isn't a problem)

(also, for some reasons, the discord link you give in the OP lead to nothing).

Yeah, the final embrace is broken because we fixed the issue it had, but then typo’d again and forgot the .png at the end in the code.

She doesn’t have large breasts in that alt, it’s purposefully framed so we wouldn’t have to show them.

The discord link doesn’t work for you because you are using an iphone to try an access it I’m guessing, if you try and access an adult server with an iphone it will error like the link is bad. What you have to do is open your discord account on a desktop web browser, and go into the options - under privacy and safety - there is an option called “Allow access to age-restricted servers on iOS”. This option will not show up on ios devices, it only shows up on non-ios devices, and if you check it you can join them on your iphone after that.