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(1 edit)

(should I put all this under spoiler? I don't know how to do this on this forum)

Great game, enjoying it a lot so far.
I didn't read everything to avoid spoiler, but I have one little question:

The tree in the Story Branches menu has several little flowers. I think getting the Marion Early 1 ending has made one bloom a bit bigger, but it might as well have not been there before.  Are there paths to make all the other flowers bloom a bit bigger too, or is it only this one.

For example, from what I have figured, just picking "it's horrifying" is all it take to get that ending, no matter what else you pick afterwards or have picked beforehand, with just an option with Effie if Malcolm ask her if she is teasing him, but both option lead to th exact result, but did I miss something and it's possible to get that early ending later in the game, making the smaller flowers that are a bit upper in the branch grow a bit bigger too, or are those smaller flowers just there for aesthetic reason?

Thanks a lot.

I don’t think you can spoiler on here, or I would have done it on my post.

The flowers are mostly there to show your progress, as you complete chapters you get blooms that are non-interactable, and as you complete endings you get the growing blooms that you saw when you got an early end.

If you want to remain unspoiled I suggest just playing as you’d play until you hit your first ending, and when you’re feeling stuck you can check the hints or come look up endings here.

Thanks for the answer. I think I have actually got everything in the Marion Branch but wanted to be sure I hadn't left anything else before moving to the next one.