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the developer seems unable or unwilling to create anything other than dark, demonic, first person shooters. With a strong interest in hell itself, which speaks highly of his spiritual state.  I can no longer play these types of games, but even if I could, I wouldn’t.  The dark, evil nature of them rubs me the wrong way.

Yes, if I were developing RPG games with a uniform fantasy style, would you still say that? I can do whatever type I like, because there are always people who will like it, and the game is for them to play. If you don't like this type of game, the best way is to stay away from them instead of roast in the comment area, because it will only let the developer who just evaluated your werewolf simulator come back and scold you. But fortunately, I held back. If you want to say that I am just demonstrating my nature because I enjoy developing FPS games in the hellish style, then what is the difference between your thinking and those parents who resist electronic games? Aren't all the electronic games developed by id software in the last century violent and bloody FPS games? Does this mean that they are all evil murderers?

"Werewolf simulator".  HA!  That's funny...  Luposian is NOT a werewolf.  Werewolves don't TALK.  They don't THINK.  They have no desire nor interest to EXPLORE.  They are savage monsters.  Luposian is anything but that.