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I like the atmosphere you created with just the pictures, If there was some wind howling, some fire crackling and some melancholic music this would be almost perfect already. I think I would switch the bars going up over time with a more point based system, and each action you take adds or subtracts points. Either was this was really cool, and the idea to use AI generated art for a gamejam prototype is really neat.

Well done!


I completely agree with pretty much everything you wrote. Most of it was actually on the roadmap, and had to be dropped like a hot potato when it became clear I could only really start implementing stuff on Sunday around noon 😅 in addition to a more boardgame-like approach I also had planned to replace some of the "click a button" activities with simple minigames, like having to actually tend to the fire by clicking certain interaction spots when they start going out, and simultaneously keeping an eye out in the shadows beyond for wild animals or worse.