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This one is actually for my nephews, I think it'll go over well. Plus I want to peep how this Amazon print on demand stuff works!

The only downside to Amazon print-on-demand is the same as Steam... they won't pay out until you get $100 USD in royalties and they take 40% plus the cost of printing so you only make a couple dollars per book...

I imagine the upside is the same on Steam too, though. Being on that platform gives legitimacy to your product AND you don't have to work with a publisher to make the product easily accessible. I completely understand that it stinks to work around their system, but hey it's basically free money and maybe you can use this to get a publisher to back Volume 2 :)

A publisher to put it on bookshelves would be awesome.  I wonder how people find book publishers for stuff like this...

Yea I know nothing about that kind of stuff. I guess the easiest way to find someone would be to find other similar "game in a book" style things and see how they were make :)