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(1 edit)

This game should have more ratings than it currently does. I enjoyed figuring out how to play and running through a number of levels. It has a lot of charm and an enjoyable game mechanic. I hope you get to develop it further. 

My main niggles: It would be nicer if the level generator always placed the chest in a position where it is possible to move it to the path (so you don't just sit at the entrance and hammer the left arrow until you find a solvable level) and if the fire gave you some small visual indication that is about to spread (so you don't just die all the time). Of course, I understand, time is short and we don't get to implement everything we want.


Thanks. I dunno if I'm going to go back to this one, but I did enjoy the simple premise and with some polishing it could make a nice little time waster for some. Glad you enjoyed it.