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Welcome and THEME of the month Sticky

A topic by Mystery Coconut created 64 days ago Views: 50
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Welcome to another Week Sauce game jam

If it is your first time joining us, you should know Week Sauce is not really a monthly jam, but more of a work on a project for a few days without stressing about schedules” deal. We are all about having a good time while working on our games, so there is no competition, we are very loose with deadlines, and even looser on judging your work (as in, we will not). Participate, join our Discord to talk with us about your project, ask for help if you need it, and offer advice and cheer other participants. 

Week Sauce is a super friendly international community, open to people of all ages and levels of experience that just want to have a good supportive environment to work on their little creations, so if you know of somebody that would benefit from that, send them our way!

Anyway, every month we have a (totally optional) theme in case you need help getting the creative juices going. For April the community in our Discord server voted for…

🎳 Chain Reaction

I am thinking a nice Rube Goldberg machine game would be great. I myself am contractually obligated to never do one of these again, but the good news is that I am not legally responsible if I encourage others to do one! Of course there may be other game ideas that could use this theme, from firefighter/pyromaniac games to ecological balance/disaster games, and other systemic games. 

And hey, if you don't feel inspired by this theme, remember that it is totally optional! **The jam accepts everything and anything you make.**

As always, thanks for joining us, and have fun!
—Miguel Friginal