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Language barrier..

A topic by finfin created 54 days ago Views: 90 Replies: 4
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hello! me and my team are very interested in this jam however we do not know spanish.. can we still enter? or are there steps we should make to make our game more accessible to spanish people? thanks!


Hola! Mi equipo y yo estamos muy interesados en este evento, sin embargo, no sabemos español. ¿Aún podemos participar? ¿O hay medidas que deberíamos tomar para que nuestro juego sea más accesible para los españoles? ¡gracias!


I am very sorry but this event is internal for only students of the "Centro Universitario de la Costa"

no problem


We are working so that in the future this event is open to the public as well as accessible to various regions and languages

let me know!