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Last ChanceView game page

This is the last chance to escape from your underground hideout.
Submitted by NANIkisunami — 11 minutes, 42 seconds before the deadline
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CriteriaRankScore*Raw Score
How much do you enjoy the game overall?#283.3333.333
How well does the game fit the themes?#553.3333.333

Ranked from 18 ratings. Score is adjusted from raw score by the median number of ratings per game in the jam.

How long was your dev time?
At some point I stopped counting. At least 10h.

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Very nice! great job on the atmosphere :D


Thank you ^^!


Very nice, it has this feeling if it is safe to shoot or not. I just wish I would be able to shoot from the chopper! :D It would be 5 star overall for me but I removed one star due to the time - not sure how to handle that yet, seems it would be a little unfair for others that squeezed under 3 hours? What do you think?


That's true! Sometimes is better to hide than reveal your whereabouts. Haha, that chopper idea is fun, I'm not sure why I disabled bullets when you are in the chopper xD Maybe it's unfair to the zombies :P

I'm not sure what I think about rating. If development time is over 3 hours, the game could not win so maybe that's penalty for that. I really tried to make game under that time but I got too excited and couldn't stop :D Thanks for your feedback and playing my game :)


The visuals of this game is great, the sound effects really add to it as well! I enjoyed my time playing it! nice work :D


I'm happy to hear you enjoyed the game! Thanks for playing  :D


I really like the gameplay, the spooky visuals with the zombies is a great touch!

I do wish there was some sort of counterplay for the "souls" or "bacteria" things that are released upon killing a zombie, most times I found myself killing the zombies and hiding in a corner until it was safe to move.


Thank you, great to hear that you liked it!
And yes, there is a counterplay for the bacteria: you can shoot bacteria and every shot makes bacteria bigger. When bacteria gets big enough, it explodes. But there is a catch: when you shoot bacteria, it directs its movement towards you. But when you move, you are not at the "target point" any more.  You can use this mechanic in your advantage also.
There is a bit minus gravity in the movement of bacteria, so it curves up a little and makes running away easier. I should have make the bacteria weaker so it could be more pleasant to destroy them, and the player would not get into too difficult situations.
Thanks for the good feedback!


The aesthetic was fantastic. I love the attention to detail in the levels, having broken pillars, spiderwebs, and flooded rooms to show the zombies have overrun!
Scary, and fun shooter!

Developer (1 edit)

That's so nice to hear that you enjoyed the environmental details! Thanks for playing :)


Very cool game. Loved how it looked and the particles and sound effects. especially the attention to detail stuff like the water splashing. the game could do with making it a bit easier, as it was difficult


Thank you! It feels that there is always something I could polish or add to make the world more believable. And there is no end to that road :D When I tested a game multiple times, at some point it start feeling too easy so that's why I added couple of more enemies. Next time I hope to get opportunity to test it on other people to get the difficulty level more suitable.


Damn, I came in to have fun, and as a result, before going to bed, they piled up horror stories. How can I sleep now? XD

Cool game, challenging


Oh no! I hope you got some sleep after this horrifying experience xD Thanks for playing my game!


hard to control but great art style for a  game made 10 hour  is great


Thank you for the feedback! I noticed that sometimes the character gets a little stuck on the sides of some platforms, I don't know how to fix it :/ But if you have any other recommendations to make the controlling more pleasant, I'd love to hear :)