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A jam submission


A soft Survival Horror
Submitted by FiideoGames — 5 hours, 6 seconds before the deadline
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Ranked from 7 ratings. Score is adjusted from raw score by the median number of ratings per game in the jam.

How did you choose to implement the Theme: The Untamed Wilderness in your game?
The game takes place in an abandoned research center in the middle of a radioactive desert.

Did you implement any of the optional Bonus Challenges, and if so, which ones?
Yes, Wild Beast and Hunter or Prey. There's a enemy that pursues you, and from which you can flee.

Did you create your game in RPG Maker?


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This was a really nice surprise!
First and foremost, I really like the art style, the setting and the ambience. It's pretty oppresive and lonely, specially during the sections in the dark.
I really liked the gameplay and the puzzles. I had no problems with the filter system; it was actually really well made and it gave a sense of urgency and dread, so great job in that regard.
The music and the sound design were also really good, really fitting for the tone and ambience.
I think what I liked the least were some of the chase scenes, but they weren't really frustrating. I managed to get the 2 endings and my playtime was about 19 minutes. I liked the one where he drinks the Reptia, but the other one wasn't really my cup of tea. I would have loved more endings!
While I didn't really find the regular reptiles threatening, the giant one (was it subject 6?) was more intimidating and creepy, it kinda reminded me of Mr. Gray from The Dreamcatcher by Stephen King.

Overall, this was a reaaally good game, with a lot of attention to detail. I found no bugs whatsoever and I can tell you put a lot of passion and effort on this!


We are glad to know that both the graphics and the music manage to convey that feeling of oppression and loneliness. We would have liked to have more endings and develop the existing ones in more detail, but time was limited, and we had to give up some things. However, we don't rule out adding another ending in the future. It is very encouraging to know that our effort is appreciated. Thank you very much for your words!! :)

"THE DARK SUBSTANCE" es una experiencia de terror breve pero intensa. Me encantó la atmósfera opresiva y la historia intrigante que me mantuvo enganchada todo el rato. La jugabilidad es sencilla pero desafiante. A pesar de ser corto, ofrece una inmersión total, y estéticamente está muy guay. Muy recomendable para los fans del género. ¡MARAVILLOSO!


Nos alegramos mucho de que te haya gustado tanto. Muchas gracias por tus buenas palabras, nos motivan a seguir trabajando!! :)


I'm mostly baffled that you would have this game out FOR FREE. It's incredible


Wow!! Thank you very much, the truth is that there's a lot of hard work behind it. We've dedicated almost all of our free time to it over the past month. So it's very nice to read your words. :)

Woah, this game was a real treasure to find! I love the artwork, and I love all the detail put into every little thing! If I didn't have a limited supply of resources, I'd love to just wander about and explore! The premise and details of the story are so eerie and cool to imagine- it feels like a real horror-sci-fi type film! (Like The Thing!)

Something about being stranded in a location with tons of hazards and unknown entities out to get you..and the time crunch to be able to mix and put things together for the vials etc. was challenging and felt like I really had to keep things prioritized in a cohesive way- I really enjoyed this entry!

From the horror aspect, to the creative design of, well, everything! Great work! :>


We're delighted that you enjoyed it so much, as we've put in many hours of work. After so much effort, it's very fulfilling to know that it was worthwhile. Thank you very much for your kind words!! They definitely motivate us to keep creating. <3


Wow the look and design of this one is so good!! It looks really polished and readable. The decaying oxygen and health mechanic was really clever and original! It worked, felt pretty fair but added an element of pressure. I don't love that the timer keeps going when you're reading a text box. I think sometimes that's okay, but if there's multiple instances of a lot of reading and it's all under a timer I just end up missing info cuz I'm skimming. But the writing was good, I felt like I knew what I was supposed to be doing all the time. I liked how dialogue changed on certain items as I progressed in the story, updating me on what to do next etc. (like look for the pick in the bunker type hints, super useful). Loved the look of it, very cohesive. Good job!! 


We're really glad you enjoyed it!! Regarding the timers, they do pause at certain moments that we consider necessary, mainly during conversations, the PC puzzle, and text from the file. We'll add pauses to a few more moments where they might come in handy. Thank you very much for taking the time to give us such detailed feedback.


Really like the artstyle and the overall vibe!


We're glad you liked it. We've been doing pixel art for a short time, and we had some doubts about the style, but we're happy with the outcome. :)