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Settlers CampView game page

5 friends go on a nice camping trip!
Submitted by ixydust (@pixielar) — 10 hours, 27 minutes before the deadline
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Ranked from 9 ratings. Score is adjusted from raw score by the median number of ratings per game in the jam.

How did you choose to implement the Theme: The Untamed Wilderness in your game?
The game takes place in the wilderness of Settlers Camp, an isolated camp surrounded by nothing but the wilderness.

Did you implement any of the optional Bonus Challenges, and if so, which ones?
Wild Beast:
The characters are being hunted by something... but who really knows what it could be...

Hunter or Prey:
There's a scene at the end of one of the routes where you have to run.

Did you create your game in RPG Maker?


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I really liked the story and the characters! I felt like I wanted to get to know them better. The art style of the busts was super cute and I really liked the character designs. The map tiles were lacking a bit of depth but I really liked the color palette switches for night and day, it gave a really unique vibe! The dream sequences were also great and scary, I wanted to spend more time in the dream world. Overall, I really liked it and I think it could be really strong if there was a bit more story added, maybe some more dialogue, and some time spent delving deeper into the motivation and struggles that Sarah was facing realizing what was going on!

(2 edits)


The gameplay was okay, maybe a little on the simple side. Since there was a chase at the end, maybe there could have been more chases added? Maybe something stalks you in your dreams, maybe it looks like a large monster until the reveal at the end?

I didn't dislike the VN style picking choices either, though again I wish there were a bit more of them! I did like seeing all the different responses to the things I picked, and am only sad that there wasn't more things (and more consequences) to explore.


I liked the writing at the beginning, seeing the characters interact and show off their personalities. I thought maybe Sarah was a silent protagonist except when she started talking...? I didn't understand why sometimes it showed her bust sprite and other times it didn't.

Anyways, the endings I got felt... maybe a little rushed? I was hoping to learn more about the characters, Settler's Camp, and the details about the "monster" in general but a lot of these things were left unexplained. I'm also still wondering about Ash saying that the "monster" must have been something big, but it isn't really brought up again?


The bust sprites were really cute! They added a nice touch whenever the characters were talking. The tilesets and sprites were simple, but effective. I think next time I'd suggest maybe using Tint Screen to convey night/day or reality/dreamworld instead of using different colored tiles? It may be quicker than resetting the tiles. As well, though I liked the bright look of the maps overall, I think the multiple saturated colors might have toned down the horror in the night and dream sections.


I like some of the custom horror assets, particularly the bust sprites. Some moments were pretty good at capturing a more subtle, atmosphereic horror, particularly the dream sections. I think maybe tweaking the sound design would help increase the tension in general? Maybe something slow and atmospheric, or even a distorted version of an earlier more cheery theme could be a cool twist in a game like this.

Possible Bugs:

Small note, I think some of the transitions could be tweaked? I noticed when coming from the campsite to the cabins, it loads you in facing the left. If you're holding down the left key, it then usually switches you back to the campsite pretty quickly.


A nice game. Honestly could be edgier? I noticed at one point you could choose to bring your friends together or to insult them and keep them separated, it would have been interesting if it affects what order they die in or if they die quicker or slower depending on what you do. But that's also not something you might notice unless you play through the game a few times, and even though I'm not sure it affected the ending I did like going through the dialogue trees and seeing how the characters react differently to things you say.

Though it's a smaller game, it did have a good amount of potential. If you decide to continue making RPGMaker games, whether you choose to go with more humorous projects or go deeper into the horror genre, it'll be interesting to see what you make next!


Ohh that was fun! It wasn't what I expected it to be. I think the layout of the maps was clear and made sense, I agree the tileset art could use more details. A cool minimalist feel is always great but this doesn't feel like it should be minimalist so it just feels like it's missing something. I don't remember finding any major bugs?? And I always felt like I knew where I was supposed to be going. 

The writing was good! Only saw a few grammar mistakes, nothing serious. Each character have a distinct voice and I felt like I immediately picked up everyone's perspectives and motives within the friend group. The character bust art was really good, I loved how much all of their poses had good flow to them. They weren't just standing there, they were all emoting really nicely. 

I liked the jump scares and the dream sequences. I wish it were longer but it's a really solid spooky game. Hope to see more from y'all! 


Thank you so much for playing!!!


The graphics have potential, although they could be improved by adding some simple details so that the scenario doesn't feel so empty. It would also benefit from working on the interface a bit so that the art looks more coherent. The narrative is good and easy to follow, the story is interesting although it felt a bit short to me, perhaps it could be extended a bit. Overall, I enjoyed it and I think it has potential and could improve with some touch-ups. Good job! :)


hey thanks so much for playing! really appreciate the feedback, its something that ill definitely take note of in the future!


I wish there was a bit more meat to this game- it has plenty of potential for more horror aspects to it- it feels like all the building blocks are there, but not utilized to their potential, if that makes sense?

I would've liked to learn a bit more about each character including the player character before everyone ended up getting (potentially) killed or before we have to up and leave near the "good" end. I did like the different characters' portraits and everyone's different attitudes with one another was a fun touch!

There's not a lot to the gameplay, and horror is very limited, despite the dead bodies and shadow-like creature(s), but I think with different lighting or textures, it could really make things feel more spooky.

We're never really told what it is that is "in" or "the deal" with the player character, and I know this may be due to limitations available, but it did have me wanting *more*.

Again, there's potential here for something more than what we've been given. :>


hey thank you so much for playing!
i do agree, a lot of ideas and fleshing out of the game was cut due to time, and i would've loved to expand on both the characters and general spooky premise more, (the original script was planned to be almost twice as long, with a bigger focus on solving puzzles).

i've never really made a horror rpg before so this was kinda new grounds for me! so i definitely think having different textures and lighting wouldve made things way more uncanny, ill definitely keep that in mind the next time i try to create a horror game.

maybe in the future i can revisit settlers camp, id love to fully flesh it out into my original vision.


Nice Job!


thank you so much!!