Submissions open from 2024-07-19 16:00:00 to 2024-07-21 16:00:00
Starts in


Create a game using only game assets made by Kenney. You can use, edit, and remix them however you like (see the rules below). A theme is announced at the beginning of the jam.

🎁 Find all game assets here

Get involved

  • Join our Discord channel
  • Use hashtag #kenneyjam to share your content on social media.

Rules & FAQ

1 ‧ How long does the jam take?

48-hours, you'll have to develop and submit within the date and time listed above (displays your local time)

2 ‧ What are the limitations?

You must only use game assets (2D sprites, 3D models, and textures) available on the Kenney website

3 ‧ Is there a theme?

Yes, the theme of the jam will be announced at the start of the event. You will be judged on how well your game fits the theme

4 ‧ Can I work as a team?

Yes, you're allowed to work alone or in a team (no size restriction) using any game engine or platform

5 ‧ Should my game work in the browser?

You can target any device or hardware, however in some cases less people will be able to play your entry

6 ‧ Can I take audio files from other sources, or create my own?

Yes, audio (sound effects and music) plus fonts can be custom made or gathered from other sources

7 ‧ Is other Kenney software allowed?

Nope, only pre-made game assets. So unfortunately you can't use Asset Forge, Kenney Shape or Avatar/Creature/Ship Mixer

8 ‧ Can I continue development after the jam?

Absolutely, you hold all rights to any submission you make and all the assets Kenney made are public domain licensed

9 ‧ Should I share the source of my game?

Uploading the source of your submission is encouraged, but absolutely not required

10 ‧ Can I add the Kenney Jam logo to my submission?

Yes, feel free to include the logo seen on top of this page to your splash or game. Please don't use the Kenney (without "Jam") logo

FAQ on game asset usage

  • Limit yourself to only using the game assets provided
  • You can edit (i.e. crop or change the color) and combine them (i.e. using one sprite in a different sprite)
  • If you can't find a game asset, you'll have to find an alternative or drop the idea