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Indie Revolution Expo is this weekend! Sticky

A topic by JaShinYa created 18 days ago Views: 24
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Hello all!

IRX24 is just a day away! You can find the completed schedule on our website. Head there and see where your game and/or presentation will be exhibited. Some reminders:

-If you have a game being exhibited, you don't have to be there, BUT if you can, it is highly encouraged in case you need to field any questions from the audience.

-If you are doing a presentation, please be sure to be in our Discord at least 15 minutes before your time slot. This will allow us to make sure everything gets set up smoothly. Please use this invite link to join our Discord server ASAP as this is where we will be hosting your presentation from and will be our main way to communicate with you. 

-IRX will begin this Friday at 10am EST and will end with our awards ceremony on Sunday.

-Be sure to come by for our awards ceremony on Sunday to see all the winners including the IRXJam24 winner!

-There will be multiple giveaways. Some provided by some generous devs having their game exhibited this weekend, and the rest provided by IRX. There will be several individual game giveaways, a few mini game bundle giveaways, and one giant 50 game giveaway! Anyone in chat is eligible to win including those who are being exhibited so make sure you're around from time to time!

Our main goal with IRX is to celebrate and spotlight awesome indie games and their talented devs. With that in mind, please help IRX reach as large of an audience as possible by letting your friends, followers, and game dev associates know what's going on. Consider sharing our links on social media with #IRX24. The more people that stop by, the more people there are to check out all of your games, listen to your talks, and more networking opportunities for everyone involved. We are a small group of people running this event so all the help you are willing to provide is greatly appreciated.

We can't wait to see you all there!