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First Game Jam - looking for a partner in EU

A topic by SelfDevTv created 27 days ago Views: 199 Replies: 4
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(1 edit)


this will be my first game jam. After many many hours of building simple games and practicing, i feel comfortable to join my first jam.

I'm a developer using Gdscript. I'm looking for a partner, no matter the role to team up and get something going. I prefer somebody from EU since it's better for time management IMHO. 

Let me know if you are in :) 

Cheers from Austria


Hi do you have an tips to learn gdscript  


not original poster but learn basic python and experiment with it for a while, gdscript and python are very much alike with the latter having a ton of good resources


Learn GDScript from Zero is good if you have no coding experience. It's free.

Learn to Code From Zero with Godot (DEBUG) (

Yo! if you still looking for a team, dm me in discord. yayamaingame