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A jam submission


A light puzzle game about replacing an expired person with a replica
Submitted by EnviousJelly — 22 minutes, 25 seconds before the deadline
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CriteriaRankScore*Raw Score

Ranked from 17 ratings. Score is adjusted from raw score by the median number of ratings per game in the jam.

Godot Version

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Game Description
A game where you forge a replacement for a life insurance claimant

How does your game tie into the theme?
Passing off a fake human as the real one to their family


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Participation Level (GWJ Only)

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Very creative use of the theme, unfortunately the memories section isn't too clear on how to use, so I couldn't get any other ending than the bad one


Very original game, I think I got the good ending but I'm not sure. The art was very nice and the color palette was interesting, good job!


Thanks for the compliments. Also, you would probably know if you got the bad ending so I imagine you got the good one, nice job! I agree,he artist did an amazing job, especially considering that she also made her own submission in the game jam as well. Thanks for playing and hope you enjoyed the game jam!


I believe this game is really creative, but I was not able to figure it out unfortunately. But just the fact that it's the only "mystery solving" game of the jam warrants a good creativity score. I feel like a lot of effort went into the handdrawn art! There's something about your style that I think captures and conveys emotions well.

Developer (1 edit)

I'm glad you enjoy the concept of the game! I wasn't sure how it would be received so it's really great to hear that people enjoy it. Unfortunately, not being able to figure it out is a running theme in the comments and rightly so. The game definitely needs some changes in order to improve its clarity and it will hopefully receive them soon. Thanks for your compliments about the art too! I was really amazed by the artist's work and it's really nice to see everybody sharing my appreciation for it.

PS: Really enjoyed the concept of your entry too! It was really interesting and you executed on it very well.


It’s strange… on one level, I really like this game, but, at the same time, I felt there wasn’t enough there for me to figure out what I was really looking for.

The idea of the game, as I understand it, sounds like a great play on the “Forge” theme! The art work is very well done. The game is presented well.

I feel I understood what the game was asking of me, but, for the life of me, I couldn’t figure out how I was to go about putting those pieces together, and just felt frustrated that I was missing something.

Over all, I like the idea of this game, but I couldn’t figure out this game. If you interested, I streamed this game and my struggles with it.


Thanks for your compliments/criticisms! I entirely agree with your points about the game's clarity and hope to improve it in that regard. There were various things planned which may have helped but I didn't prioritize as much as I should have in retrospect. I also had several elements which I half-implemented which just led to more confusion (such as the personality guide and the diary which appears clickable but does nothing).

I highly appreciate the link to the stream and it was invaluable watching you play... even if it hurt my soul a little seeing the confusion which the game's current shortcomings brought about.

Sorry for your frustrations and thank you for playing!


Most original game I've played this jam.  I really like these kinds of detective games.  I would like to see what a game like this could be with more time in the oven.  Nice work!


Thank you, that's pretty high praise considering some of the other entries in this jam.

We definitely intend to work on Replacement Claim further and implement a lot of the things which time restrictions wouldn't allow and adjust it in the areas we felt were lacking.  Thanks for checking out our game and I hope you enjoyed the game jam!

Ps: I enjoyed your entry a lot, very cool theme


I don't really understand how to play this game, it definitely needs a tutorial.  I think I get what you were going for though and it was at least a cool concept!


I agree, it would certainly benefit from that a lot. I knew the game's clarity was less than ideal when I submitted but I didn't realize just how confusing it could be until I watched more people playing it. I hope to revisit Replacement Claim in the future and expand upon it so that learning how to play becomes more of an enjoyable experience.

Thanks for playing, I'm glad that you found it cool in concept! :)


Interesting and original. But the puzzle's could use a bit more explanation especially the memory part. 


Thanks so much for that and I'm glad you enjoyed the concept. 

I very much agree with your point about the puzzles and would like to work on Replacement Claim more in the future to rectify that.

Thanks for playing!


Really nice art and a cool concept.

I found the difficulty level too high, especially as the in-browser version was pretty small with no way to expand the window. I was also a bit confused about which person's face I was supposed to be replicating, so maybe that could be clearer?

Developer (1 edit) (+1)

I definitely agree  with all of this. It was my first time doing a proper project/game jam and I definitely felt the time constraints. I really wish that I had found/made time to improve the clarity of the game. As to the full-screen thing, I didn't actually think about it until after it was too late to update the submission, it would definitely have been a big improvement though.

Thanks for the kind words and playing our game!

EDIT: Just to add to this, I didn't actually realize there was an option to do it through without editing the submission. Have now enabled this. Thank you for mentioning this and causing me to look at it more. :)


really cool idea! the artwork is also very nice! tho im not enough big brained to actually beat the game lol


Thanks! Don't worry, it's more the delivery. The clarity of the game could definitely be improved upon and I hope to do that in the future. Thanks for playing!


Pretty fun! I think that the graphics are very cute :3


Thanks, I'm glad you had a good time with it! I agree wholeheartedly about the artist's work, it definitely kept me energized while working on it. :)


Beautiful art and an interesting concept. I struggled to get it correct, but at least I got to see the amazing fail screen a lot. The art really evokes a lot of emotions.


I couldn't agree more! I really loved the work that the artist did for this, especially with the photos. I hope you don't blame yourself for the struggle, I feel the clarity of the game suffered for my difficulties with some of the code. Thanks for playing the game and all of your kind words. :)


I was blown away by the art! Good job! That fail screen art was terrifying lol


Yeah, the artist did an amazing job with it, especially given that they did their own game first! Hope you enjoyed the game and thanks for playing :)