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Gravity Forge: The Quest for AntimatterView game page

Navigate celestial puzzles and harness the forces of the universe in a high-stakes intergalactic smuggling operation
Submitted by lethalgem — 1 hour, 12 minutes before the deadline
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CriteriaRankScore*Raw Score

Ranked from 17 ratings. Score is adjusted from raw score by the median number of ratings per game in the jam.

Godot Version

Wildcards Used
Pay Attention, 007

Game Description
In the cosmic expanse of "Gravity Forge," master the art of interstellar transportation through a puzzling universe where gravity is both your ally and adversary. As an aspiring space trucker, you are plunged into the clandestine world of galactic ore transport. Navigate through 18 challenging levels by manipulating the trajectory of ore between planets using the gravitational forces of black holes, the repulsion of white holes, and the strategic redirection provided by spaceships and wormholes. Each level expands the complexity of your tasks, starting from simple maneuvers to multi-ore logistics that require precise planning and execution. The game is not just about connecting points but forging paths through an intricately designed starfield where every celestial body has a role. From the bustling ore mines on distant planets to the ultimate goal of a massive antimatter processing facility, your job is to fuel an interstellar forge that drives the galaxy's economy—and its dark underbelly. Discover a narrative of ambition and intrigue as you rise from a rookie to a key player in a galactic conspiracy. Interact with quirky NPCs, dodge the machinations of the mafia-controlled cosmos, and maybe, just maybe, forge your own destiny among the stars.

How does your game tie into the theme?
"Gravity Forge" ties into the theme of "forge" in multiple, layered ways: Literal Forging: The core gameplay revolves around transporting and refining ores into valuable materials and ultimately contributing to the production of antimatter. Each planet acts like a smithy in space, transforming raw materials into progressively complex and powerful substances. Forging Paths: Players must forge their routes through space, using gravitational forces and spaceship redirection to navigate ores safely across a treacherous starfield. Personal and Narrative Forging: The storyline encapsulates the player's character being 'forged' in the intense heat of galactic challenges, complex moral decisions, and the dark dealings of a space mafia. Each aspect of the game—from mechanics to story—builds on this central theme, making "Gravity Forge" a cerebral and thrilling journey through the cosmic forge of space.


Discord Username(s)
lethalgemian, SuperMB13

Participation Level (GWJ Only)

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Excellently done game!! It was addicting trying to figure out how to fling those asteroids around the galaxy! I also appreciated the integration of the tutorial with the store and game itself.

Not something I really spoke about during my stream, but I did think it very clever game design that each “level” was actually still part of the whole map and you could interact with previous “levels” in future ones! I know, in my stream, I spent a little extra time attempting to solve level 3 by using the black holes of level 2… didn’t work, but it was very fun just attempting to do so, and I think that makes this game unique!

The only real thing that I have as a critique for the game is, the “gravity mechanics” used by the black and white wholes don’t feel like how I would assume gravity to work. Making the black/white holes more/less powerful seems to be more about increasing/decreasing radius of effect than it does the actual attraction/repulsion force. This is not to say the puzzles are wrong or the game is wrong with going with that approach, only that it felt off as someone who’s played other games that manipulate “gravity”.

Excellent game and thank you very much for sharing it! Here’s a link to me failing at playing you game if ever you want to relive the trauma :)


This is really fun. Keep up the good work!


Amazing idea and so satisfying when it all clicks and you're shooting things through space using gravity!


Really awesome game! Great visuals and an awesome soundtrack, love the space western atmosphere. It's so satisfying seeing all the trails you made on a larger scale, and there's so much here I couldn't finish in one go. Incredible job!


i really liked the space theme, the controls were super easy and even thought it has easy controls i still struggled to get to draco D: (skill issue) but eventually i figured it out! very original concept! :D


This game is awesome! I love the simple control scheme, easy to get into quickly, and I love good physics simulations. Great work!

Submitted (1 edit)

This game is fantastic!  I'll be back after the jam to beat this one for sure; I am blown away not just by the sheer amount of content here, but by the fantastic idea behind all of it.  Very, very well done! Edit:  How could I forget, I LOVE that bgm track.  Epic.


This is one of my favs!  Great game

Submitted (2 edits)

Super well made, the music immediately pulled me in, reminded me of Firefly :D
Fun game - after playing for a bit I think space-truckin' gravity-slingin' forgin' ain't in my future, as I sent a lot of ore into the outer reaches of space XD


Great game, well made!


Brilliant game. Quirky take on the theme, but I adore the mechanics. Written dialog is a nice touch too. Also looks and sounds great. Good luck in the jam!


Wow. This is such an amazing game. The visuals are great, and the dialogue is well made. I would have played the game for longer, but I knew I could rate it from how long I played, and I wanted to rate other games. Great game, and good luck!