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It's An "Honest" WorkView game page

Steal and forge artworks from a new art gallery
Submitted by Black Coffee Panda (@bcoffeepanda) — 4 hours, 42 minutes before the deadline
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CriteriaRankScore*Raw Score

Ranked from 23 ratings. Score is adjusted from raw score by the median number of ratings per game in the jam.

Godot Version

Wildcards Used
Permadeath, Shaken Not Stirred

Game Description
Forge your path in this stealth game where you act as a thief who replace artwork from a gallery with your own forged artwork.

How does your game tie into the theme?
Player can forge artworks (painting or statue) to replace the artworks in the gallery.

Not for now

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Participation Level (GWJ Only)

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I love the concept and how you used the prompt in un-intuitive ways! Had a good time playing and loved the music! 

Developer (1 edit)

Thanks for playing! I can't take credit for the audio but I'm glad you had a good time! As for the prompts, I'm sorry if it was non-intuitive since I may have a bias when making them due to me understanding of what they were used for. Would you mind sharing any difficulty you've encountered with the prompts?


A pretty ambitious concept for a jam that you did a great job executing, it's a fun game that looks and sounds great


Thanks for playing! I hope you had a great time while playing the game!


A lot of systems in this game, probably took you a lot of time and effort, good job!


Thanks for playing! To be honest, I don't think there are a lot features in the game but I was lucky enough to be able to put in almost every feature planned before the deadline.


Very nice job! The UI elements felt very nice and consistent and I love the painting and sculpting section as well! This was unique and unexpected. I was impressed

Developer (1 edit)

Thanks for playing! Glad you enjoyed the game.


Nice submission, i really liked the creation of the painting and sculptures.


Thanks for playing! I'm glad you enjoy the painting and sculpting section!


I loved the different take on Forge. Very well done. The ability to make my own art, including the sculptures was great! The camera control in first person kept bugging me out, but otherwise the controls were smooth and simple. There was a good amount of polish to things like the menu, career stats, and overall Game completion. Nice job!


Thanks for the feedback. Yes there is a slight problem with the camera input. It's not technically a bug but probably a wrong approach to moving the camera since I capture the mouse to the middle of the screen and rotate the camera around with the mouse's relative position to the player which causes the controls to be inverted once the camera has rotated over 90 degrees in the horizontal axis.  There's probably a more optimized 360 degrees camera control but I couldn't solve the problem in time before the deadline.


I mean it was a technically working solution for sure, so I understand it. The joys of jam deadlines, sometimes not everything makes the cut in time! Overall it was a great jam entry, nice work!


This was a very impressive game to have made in such a short time. I was surprised to see so many mechanics in the game. The game structure flows well, the music fits the theme, etc. Everything is implemented really well, nice job!

The only criticism I could give is perhaps just user error but on one heist, I exchanged two paintings and it used the less ideal of the forgeries I was holding to replace them. I think a way of intuitively handling this would be beneficial. :)

Loved seeing this game here and hope to see more from you!

Developer (1 edit)

Thanks for playing and for the feedback! I agree that the art swapping section in the heist is a bit troublesome and unintiutive . In hindsight, a swap button to change which fake artworks during a heist should be beneficial there. There's  still a lot of things in the game that needs to be updated and fixed. And of course the heist section is one of them. Thank you once again for the input!


I have no clue how you built this in 9 days. It feels like you built 4 different games. It has a great atmosphere and good pacing. I love the music selections. Really great game.

- Jedi


Thanks for the comment. I was able to finish it since I have a lot of free time for this jam which is why I'm able to pack quite a lot of features into the game.


This is cool! Love the concept of heists, although I haven't played too many such games. Really liked the planning and preparation of the heist, then execution. Gives a pretty good feel of participating in a heist. Music sets a good atmosphere. Dev-wise, it's pretty amazing you were able to put in so many different things here: a painting screen, a 3d sculpting, heist movement. Each of these must have been challenging on their own. To an extent , they feel like different games. But then, that's what a heist is, a mixture of tasks and skill sets, and they come together really well. So from a feel point of view, it's spot on, to first sculpt a fake, and then pull off a heist using that fake. Then go to the museum the next day and someone says "That's surely a fake." Well, maybe I didn't do a good enough job of faking, but it's nice to see the game respond to what I did. Well done overall!


Thanks for the comment. To be honest, there's still a lot more polish to be done within the game. For example, the pathfinding for the security guard's chase could do with more work. And I'm actually a bit nervous on whether all the components mesh together well in the game or whether the game is fun to be honest. 


Sure pathfinding is something you can improve on in future. With respect to components meshing together, if it's options that can be picked by the player to some extent, it would still work. For eg, I don't enjoy painting so much, but sculpting I'm ok with. So it's not a dealbreaker as long as the game doesn't force me to forge paintings.


I was hoping to see someone make a "forgery" game this jam, pretty fun and well executed, maybe in the future you could add a camera gadget to save pictures in game for reference?


Thanks for the feedback. I agree having a reference would help players a lot. I couldn't add one for this jam since it overcrowded the painting and sculpting UI but I could probably rearrange the UI to fit a reference view in.


Really ambitious and well executed game for a 9 day jam.  Nice work!


Thank you for playing! There are still a lot of things I wanted to add but I feel it would be too overly ambitious and would push me back past the deadline.

Submitted (2 edits)

Awesome game, very polished, very well done. This must have taken a LOT of effort to create!


Thank you for playing! It does take quite a lot of time, but fortunately I had a lot of free time this jam.


Great work, really engaging game loop! 

Developer (1 edit)

Thank you for playing!


This game was fantastic.  I would absolutely play a fully polished version of this.  The gadgets, the memorization, all well done.  


Thanks for the feedback. The memorization part of the game wasn't actually intentional though since I was hoping players would just print-screen the game for reference if they wanted to achieve a perfect forgery score, lol.


This was great!! I love how the player is encouraged to set their own goals and spend their time however you like, whether they enjoy painting, sculpting, stealth missions, or just vibing in the museum. It's a really unique game loop and surprisingly compelling!

The heist gadget loadouts were really fun to experiment with, too! There's something very satisfying about watching the museum slowly fill up with forgeries of one's own design. 

Congrats on the sweet submission!! :D


Thanks for the feedback. Honestly, I would love to see how other people fill the gallery whether with a perfect forgery or with their own art. 


Really impressive game! There is a lot of depth in the different mechanics, and they are all implemented very well.  It's the kind of game I love to see in a game jam.  Great job.


Thanks for the feedback. Glad you enjoyed the game.


OK WOW. Every 5 seconds into the game, I just keep thinking "HOW MANY FEATURES ARE THERE IN THIS THING".

This is a fully fleshed out game! It's something I can see myself paying for! Amazed at what is possible in 9 days! 

- The entire concept was a huge winner for me. The pure gamedev talent to come up with this.

- I loved the French (?) sounding music, goes very well with a museum theme!

- There're games within the game! Forging, stealth, building, memory test... so many!

- The thoughtful First person camera switch! Oh and the first game i played in a Jam with controls rebind (Full marks on accessibility).

- The well-planned out tutorials (needed because of the complexity of this game). 

- You were too kind on the security guard's aggro. I'm a bad thief and i should be caught for it, XD

- My only complaint is that you should get a better cover image. It really doesnt do the innards of this game justice. When I clicked through, i was blown away by what a hidden gem this is. 

Just sublime, definitely one of the strongest entry I've played so far.


Thanks for the feedback. I was just lucky I had quite a lot of free time for this jam. I couldn't take full credit for the audio since I use a free external audio website. The guides were technically added last minute so I'm happy someone could actually comprehend my ramblings. 

For the security's difficulty, they were initially supposed to have a much wider field of vision. But since more security guards will show up as the player progresses, the stages were impossible to clear by then. 

As for the cover image, by the time I'm uploading the project it was close to midnight in my timezone so I got lazy and just screenshot the main menu, lol.

Submitted (1 edit)

Hey really enjoyed this one :) The music when creating art is such a bop. When making sculptures after rotating the camera the controls got a bit confusing but otherwise great stuff :)

Also, would like to know how you chose to compare the 2d images for the accuracy of the forgeries?


Thanks, but I can't really take credit for the audio since I didn't create them.  For the sculpture's control, the idea is to keep the statue's orientation facing forward at 0 degree so the movement is tied to that particular direction. This is so I can easily recreate them with code. (But TBH though I'm too lazy to deal with transform basis when the camera is rotated.)

As for comparing 2D images, all images in-game are just color data stored in 64 array space to represent a 16x16 grid. First, I divide the array spaces into 4x4 matrix (each consisting of 4x4 spaces) which I then compare with the original artwork, also divided into a 4x4 matrix, sequentially. Each matrix must pass a 0.7 (70%) similarity threshold before the similarity percentage is accepted. If it does not pass the threshold, the matrix is immediately rejected. Finally, the total similarity score of all accepted matrixes is averaged to get the accuracy for the images.


This is a really cool idea. A game with multiple phases it no small task. Love the switching in perspective!

Maybe I didn't get far enough (or missed it) but if you were able to have a brief recap of the painting you were trying to forge that'd be great for fish brains like mine. There's also a fair amount of tutorial text to take in all at once.


Thanks for the feedback. The guide was "clearly not added during crunch time which results in a wall of text", lol. I was planning to add a reference button when you're trying to make a painting or statue but it overcrowded the UI so I scrapped the idea. Was hoping that players would "cheat" and use print-screen for reference though.


"clearly not added during crunch time..." haha I feel this :)


What an ambitious project! You almost created multiple games. I think the core idea is strong and I'm really impressed with how much you achieved within a jam time-frame. 


Thanks. Fortunately, I have quite a lot of free time recently so I managed to put quite a lot of stuff into the game.

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