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Path ForgerView game page

Dive into the chaos and navigate through timed obstacles with your trusty hook
Submitted by Franco Yudica — 1 hour, 8 minutes before the deadline
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Ranked from 35 ratings. Score is adjusted from raw score by the median number of ratings per game in the jam.

Godot Version

Wildcards Used

Game Description
Dive into the chaos and navigate through timed obstacles with your trusty hook

How does your game tie into the theme?
Forge your path

Not open source

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Participation Level (GWJ Only)
This is my first time

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Really fun concept, nicely executed, and well polished ! This could easily be dropped on the play/google store, and no one would know this came from a jam.

Great first entry and can't wait to see what you come up with next !


Fun game, I really liked that even if you miss on you initial shot you can still correct it and get it while its coming back. There was also a good amount of variance in the random levels.

Submitted (1 edit) (+1)

Fun and polished game! The core idea is really good. Jumping from point to point with a speed bar of some sort chasing you. A limit on connection length that is well designed (not to mention the great feedback in visual and sound when you try to jump too far!). Loved the fact that the levels are randomized, so it's a little different each time. Played about 10 times and got a high score of 50. That maybe more to do with my low skill. The target player for this would get higher I guess.

With respect to your comment on similarity in our titles, I guess the jam is so large, and there have been some exact collisions as well, atleast these are a letter off :) But well, the finding a path and randomized levels are similar too, with a different type of challenge, of course. I guess there's more for me to learn form your game in terms of progression and polish.

Overall this is a great entry, and wish you the best for the game!


Thank you! I'm glad you liked it


Really well done!


Wooow, this game is incredibly polished and a solid submission! The level of juice this game has is unmatched and incredibly aesthetic. You killed it in all the departments when it comes to making a game!

When it comes to feedback, I can't really give much, however,  I think maybe--if you do continue this project--building a narrative might be valuable. When I think of other minimalist games that I have played, I always wished that they had some sort of narrative or motivation built in to seek the challenge. I always remember "Thomas Was Alone", that game was literally just a cube platformer, but the game had a narrative that immersed me to recognize that they were more than just cubes. I'm bad when it comes to "time-crunch" style of games and think some defined purpose or motivation behind guiding are little "white sci-fi-esque slime ball" may have pushed me to keep trying and play more than I did. 

Like, what is the ball? Where are we? Why are we building a path up? Why are the green shapes bad and kill us?

I think even though it is a small detail, it will help connect peeps to your game more. But regardless, the game is incredibly fun and visually stunning~!


I agree with you that adding some sort of narrative would enhance the experience even further. I'm thinking about something like "Duet" which does that pretty well, and the target audience for the game is almost the same. Great suggestion, I'll definitively keep that in mind for future updates. Thank you so much for the positive feedback and ideas!


Very fun and very polished, could totally see this as a successful mobile game!


Thank you! I would love to publish an improved version of the game in mobile stores!


Very well done game.  I feel I could play much better on mobile, as with a mouse it gets really rough, or there's a miss-click and I lose.   One thing I really appreciate is how you teach the player early to not hit green.  I saw the green diamonds and immediately thought "oh I can screen wrap on the left/right and grab the gems" and I died hahahaha


Thank you! When I first uploaded the game to Itch, it didn't have the obstacles in the easy segments of the level, but then I realized that the player will try to hook the obstacles at a higher score without knowing that they will die. That's why, before the deadline, I uploaded the current version with obstacles in the easy segments, but also keeping these segments easy. I'm happy to know that it worked for you!


I love this. I want it on my phone yesterday.

Fantastic job -- everything is so well paired with each other it feels unreal that this was a jam entry. Would love to see what additional play variations you'd add if you were to continue development here for advanced players / deeper levels.


Thank you envy! I'm happy to know that you are interested in the game, there are lots of things to improve and I have in mind interesting content for future updates as well, so I'll let you know when the update comes. Btw I already played your game and commented too, "Helter Smelter" is such a great game, one of my favorites so far.


What a simple concept executed amazingly.  This isn't just a great little jam game, this is a fun time-killer all around.  Works great on desktop or phone (some audio glitches when I tried on phone, but that's expected), and I love that it tracks my stats.  Also, if you only played it once, you missed that it's arranged differently each time, which is just a lovely touch. Visuals fit perfectly, plays very smooth, and the sfx and bgm are very satisfying. Well done!


You are the first one to talk about the stats, I'm glad that you liked it. Thank you for the positive feedback.


Really fun game! I'm amazed at how complete it is.


Thank you!


omg  this looks so professional, everything is spot on, the sound design, the graphics, the game feel and the gameplay, great job!
Also, I find it funny how forced yet genius "forge your path" sounds. Like, "why didn't I think of it that way?"


I'm glad you found the interpretation of the theme funny! Thank you for the comment


Really cool! Love how you jump straight from the menu into the game, and it's all immediately clear. As others have said everything is incredibly polished, and the randomness of the segments is a great touch even if it brought a little bad luck sometimes. Great job!

Developer (1 edit)

I'm happy to know that you liked the menu-level transition! Thank you for the comment


real fun to play, amazing sounddesig, ramps up in difficulty very quickly. there can be some situations where it feels like rng ends your run unfairly. i assume this would be mitigated slightly when playing on mobile since I'm not as accurate with my mouse as i probably could be on a touchscreen. I would play this regularly on commutes & similar if this was to be released on mobile


Couldn't agree more with your feedback, and I'm glad to hear that you would play it on mobile! Right now, it's an unknown territory for me, but it seems like I should give it a try. Thanks!


Very good! As everyone else has mentioned, I really admired the level of polish here.

If I had to complain about something it would probably be that it's a bit too difficult. I had a hard time getting past the "harder" obstacles and they tend to present themselves a bit too early. Allthough I'm playing on a laptop touchpad, and I imagine it is a bit easier on a phone screen, which I would assume this game was designed with in mind.


Hey! Thanks for the shoutout, Dennis! Totally onboard with your feedback! So, about the game... I originally planned it for mobile down the line, but I was unsure how exporting to HTML5 would go, and I had concerns about mobile compatibility. That's why the controls in the game jam version lean towards PC. But hey, after exporting the project, I found out it's still playable on mobile too!

By the way, I'm not brave enough to play the game with a touchpad.

Submitted (2 edits) (+1)

This game is so polished and as others have mentioned a really cool mobile game. Decided to test this on my phone and everything worked. That's pretty cool. Congrats on the submission and good luck with getting into the game industry. I find myself in the same boat as you haha.


Happy to hear that! and good luck as well


Are you a professional mobile app developer? The polish on this is insane. The color scheme is perfect, the music is perfect. The "juice" on the feedback of the connections to each points is on point. It's already ready for a proper release to mobile for sure. I can see myself pulling this out to play on a short commute. And are the snippets procedurally generated? Or are they randomly slotted in from a fixed arrays. Either way, its fresh to not keep repeating the same puzzle scenes (I played multiple times). Sublime entry. 


Your comment made my day! And it's 10:30 AM in Argentina. 

I guess that I'm far from being a professional mobile app developer, but I have quite a lot of experience with games! I'm studying computer science but my main hobby is game development.

I can see that you noticed everything about the details of the game, I really tried to make something simple and polished. Glad you liked the color scheme, music and the feedback of the connections.

The game level is procedurally generated, made up of "LevelSegment" and there are 3 types of level segment: easy, medium and hard. The idea is that the game is built randomly with pre-defined level segments (I guess that there are around 30 level segments). The difficulty of the level is increased by picking more difficult segments, considering its category, but also by moving the obstacles that are contained in each LevelSegment faster. The only parameter for difficulty is the score.

 It was quite difficult to ensure that the level progression is fair enough to the player when there are so many different LevelSegments. But still, I think that I managed to get something interesting with the levels!

Can't thank you enough, I'm really trying to become a professional developer in the game industry one day, and your comment tells me that I'm in the right path.

Thank you so much!!!!


Love this! Such a simple but well fleshed out concept. Very nice and responsive and great effects.


Wow awesome game! This feels so polished and complete already. The music is great, and I especially like the game-over menu music. Graphics are all super clean and clear. Amazing work!

The movement responsiveness really makes it fun to play. Nice feel to all the animations. Also very challenging! The "wall of death" was really troublesome when I hit a few of the timed obstacles where I was forced to to wait for alignment before I could proceed. Not sure if it was possible for me to get past more quickly before getting caught!

Also plays super well on mobile!!

Really nice work :)


The wall of death was one of the challenges that I didn't manage to get 100% right. The game needed something to push the player upwards, and I decided to add the wall of death, I'm aware that alongside with the random level generation you could get these alignment level segments and perhaps die because of the wall. If you know the wall well enough it's possible to get around that situation, but it increases the learning curve, which is something that shouldn't have a major impact in this game.

Thank you for the positive and critical feedback! I'll keep this in mind for future updates.


The game is an amazing hypercasual and very well-made. I would definitely spend hours playing it on the train or when I need to kill some time. But I found it a bit off-theme. If it weren't for the title, I think it wouldn't have any connection to forge. But the game is very good, congratulations.


I appreciate the positive and theme related feedback. And I agree that perhaps I put a wild spin on the topic. I've honestly been wanting to do something like this for a long time, but I know this game doesn't stand out in the "theme" category, in fact I'm surprised that your comment is the first to talk about it.

Thanks for the feedback!


The game has a really snappy feel to it and is thus super satisfying to play. I also loved the variety of obstacles. Would make for an awesome mobile game! Great job!


Thanks for playing! I spent quite a lot of time trying to make it satisfying and adding obstacles, so I'm glad it paid off in the end!

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