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WebGL Usage

A topic by MinejayTheDev created 76 days ago Views: 96 Replies: 2
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I am aware that the use of WebGL is required, but I believe (and could be entirely wrong) that coding the game directly with JavaScript and the <canvas> HTML element does not technically use WebGL. As I understand it, the point is for the game to be web-based for ease of access. Would it still be legal to code the game directly in JavaScript rather than building WebGL from some external language?

(Is it a bad idea? Probably. )

Jam Host(+1)

You are right about our intentions for requiring web-based games. We are not really worried about the technicality of whether you are creating a WebGL build or not; as long as your game can be played on the web and be submitted to itch's jam page, we are totally fine. The point is to not require anyone to download games for our jams if they prefer not to. Hopefully that answers your question 馃榿

Great, thank you!